Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Will I have to have my wisdom teeth pulled if they are not affecting my other teeth?

I am 18 and my 4 wisdom teeth grew in recently. They are not crooked, painful, or crowded. My front teeth are crowded, but I have no plans for braces or invisalign in the future :(

Anyway, the wisdom teeth look just like extra molars. They have tons of space.

If my wisdom teeth cause no discomfort, and if they stay in the same position without impacting other teeth, will I still have to get them removed?

Will I have to have my wisdom teeth pulled if they are not affecting my other teeth?
Your dentist can give you the answer to that.

Personally, I'd take them out. Those pesky things have a strange habit of suddenly causing huge problems, especially when you are on vacation overseas...

Mine are gone and having them was much more problematic than getting them removed.
Reply:No. If you have no problems with them then leave them alone. Any dentist that tells you otherwise needs the $$$.
Reply:In that case, as long as they are kept clean, they can stay. Wisdom teeth are way in the back and are hard to reach with a toothbrush, so extra effort will be required when brushing if you don't have them removed.
Reply:They only remove wisdom teeth when there is a problem (growing under other teeth, extremely painful pressure, growing crooked, etc) If there is not problem then you do not need them removed. Make sure they are growing properly (by getting x-rays at the dentist) Don't put yourself through any surgery you not "need". I had mine removed at 15!!! I hope this helps.
Reply:I agree with Joe. If you aren't on insurance and they are completely erupted and not causing you pain, you can leave them alone. Ideally, they are useless teeth if you have your other molars and are very hard to keep clean. Your crowding is likely to increase with birthdays but if you are ok with the look of your teeth then leave them be. If they aren't all they way in, they will continue to crowd over time and could trap bacteria under the skin flap. Just be sure to take the extra time to clean them and if they ever become painful, just get them pulled. You don't need them and they aren't worth putting a bunch of money into if you have all your other teeth. I thinkk they should all be removed before high school graduation! They can still be a problem later in life. It's a one time thing, get them out and you never have to deal with them ever again. And, getting them out isn't near as bad as the rumors you hear! Just keep in mind, the younger you are when you have them removed, the easier your recovery will be. Good luck!
Reply:If they are not disturbing then there should be no problem any way get your dentists opinion .More remedies and information regarding your teeth at

Plant question

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