Monday, March 15, 2010

Can I have an impacted tooth?

I went to the dentist two years ago. I was told I will not have any wisdom teeth. One of my molars is broken I developed a gum flap? Is it possible my wisdom teeth is coming in the wrong place

Can I have an impacted tooth?
Reply:How old are you? Usually people have four 3rd molars (wisdom teeth). Some people however do not have all four or do not have any at all. The only way that you can know for sure is if you have a panoramic x-ray taken by your dentist.

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Can I have an impacted tooth?

I went to the dentist two years ago I was told I will not have any wisdom teeth? One of my molars is broken I developed a gum flap? Is it possible my wisdom teeth is coming in the wrong place

Can I have an impacted tooth?
I'm not sure but I did have an impacted tooth earlier this year and had to get my wisdom teeth removed. I was in a lot of pain and went to the doctors to check it out instead of the dentist. They were able to prescribe something to take the pain away and I made an emergency appointment to get my wisdom teeth out. I would call up your doctors office and explain your symptoms. Hope that helps --
Reply:I am pretty sure the Dr. that said you had no wisdom teeth was looking at an X-Ray. You have no wisdom teeth; what you do have is a cavity (broken tooth) and a flap of gum has grown into the cavity. Get the tooth filled and if necessary, the Dentist will snip off the flap.

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I have an impacted tooth...?

I was 17 when I found out I still had a baby tooth. I went to the dentist regularly all my life and the dentist didn't catch this, but an orthodontist did. So, I got the baby tooth removed and have been without a tooth for about two years now. The ortho said that this tooth would come down on its own. It has yet to do so. And I look like a moron because I have a tooth missing. My question to orthodontists/dentists/someone who works in the field is, what should I do now. I really don't want to get braces. At 19, its embarassing. I have straight teeth. and, no wisdom teeth (never had any to begin with) So, I believe there is room for a tooth to come in straight. Well, any help would be awesome. And I am sure within these two years my teeth have shifted significantly with there being a tooth missing. Thanks a lot!

I have an impacted tooth...?
You may need to get braces! Although your orthodontist said the tooth would erupt on it's own, it has been two years. This happened to me, with both of my upper canines. What they did was "sand" down my gingiva and placed a bracket on the crown of my canine, and slowly pulled it down. Some impacted teeth just aren't in the correct position to erupt on their own.
Reply:Did your orthodontist ever suggest having the impacted tooth exposed, then bonded and bracketed to bring it down? I assume since he thought it would move down into the baby tooth's spot that it was positioned in a vertical way. To expose a tooth a flap of tissue needs to be laid open, then a bracket is bonded to the tooth. A small wire, chain or some other type of attachment is used to connect this tooth to arch wires of brace work. It is like towing the tooth into place. Takes a little while but I'm guessing if you were in braces at the time, you no longer are. It may still be a possibility. If the tooth will never come down, you may want to consider having it removed by an oral surgeon. The space in your mouth can be taken care of by one of three options: An implant, a three unit bridge or a flipper partial. It would take some time to explain each one, but you can chat with your general dentist about those options, or you can check them out on the ADA (American Dental Association) web site. Cost wise they are all probably about the same. Good Luck.

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Will waiting to get a wisdom tooth extracted make it more difficult to remove it later on?

my boyfriend's oral surgeon told him that one of his wisdom teeth is so impacted that he has a 20% chance of having permanent numbness in the area if the tooth is extracted. my bf is currently experiencing pain where that wisdom tooth is located.

he is trying to decide if he should risk taking the tooth out and having the area be permanently numb or delay the extraction until he gets a second opinion on the procedure. will the diffculty of the extraction and the chance of numbness be increased if he waits to get the tooth taken out?


Will waiting to get a wisdom tooth extracted make it more difficult to remove it later on?
It not only can move the teeth but also, I ended up having my roots twist around my jawbone. If you do get a second opinion do not wait very long.
Reply:It could cause the other teeth to move if there isnt enough room for the wisdom teeth in his mouth
Reply:Wisdom teeth have the ability to grow into the jawbone (hence the term impacted). It is better to get them out as soon as possible because the deeper they grow into the jawbone the higher the chance of infecting the bone tissue. This might also have to do with the numbness he is expereincing. Pressure may be crushing or pinching a nerve, resulting in the numbness.
Reply:yes. the long you wait the longer the roots grow and twist around the jaw bone making it more painful to have it taken out and or after it's been taken out. if i were your bf id have it done ASAP! and not just 1 have them all done at the same time

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How long should i wait after i have my baby to get my wisdom teeth surgically removed?

I was supposed to get them out like a year and a half ago, but i couldn't afford the $1500. Now that i have insurance i would like to get them out asap. They are killling me! They are impacted and one of the roots is in my sinus. And it is affecting my TMJ. So the sooner the better, i just don't know how it will be with a new baby, and i know they wont cut my teeth out while i am pregnant. any advice?

How long should i wait after i have my baby to get my wisdom teeth surgically removed?
I would get them done as soon as you can after the baby is born. You can do it when the baby is about a month old. Then it will be on a schedule and you will be able to follow that routine. I think that it wuld be best to do it then. Don't think that the dentist won't pull them when you are pregnant, they were gonna take mine out when I was 7 months along, but I refused and got it done later when she was born. There are some crazy dentists out there.

But 2 of mine were impacted and the other 2 were out of the gum. I only got the 2 out of the gum removed as if I am put under it is hard to get me awake. I waited for the other 2 to come out of the gum and when they did my mouth was able to accommodate them and they are still in my mouth today and are not causing any pain or problems. The bottom teeth got crunched and became crooked, I want to get braces, but it is hard to afford and most insurances do not cover it.
Reply:Will you be nursing? That will make a difference in how long you have to wait to feed breastmilk to get the medicine out of your body. I would call the Dentist they will know.,
Reply:You may want to wait awhile after the baby is born, at least a month or so. I know when I had my wisdom teeth out all I did was sleep for 2-3 days. It wasn't necessarily an excruciating pain, more like an uncomfortable one.
Reply:when you are ready to do ...are you breast feeding ...if not anytime after baby comes
Reply:Talk to your doctor and the oral surgeon, they can tell you better than anyone. I was not pregnant, but after I had my done, I was no good for about 3 days. Of course I had mine done in the afternoon and then came home and slept. I know one of the rules for getting them done is that a friend or family member has to be present to drive you home. So if you are going to be breast feeding you may want to wait until you get the baby on formula.
Reply:you will have to talk to your doc cause there are many different situations
Reply:You'll be soooo incredibly sore afterwards. You won't be able to eat solid foods for a few days, and hot foods hurt. Talk to your doctors(ob and dentist) about the effects the drugs that get used could have on you, and baby if you're breastfeeding. You may have to pump and build up a supply, in case there are any negative side effects, to feed baby with.Then you'll have to pump and dump the effected milk to keep your supply up. Have lots of protein shakes, and soups to eat(I even ate baby food when I had mine removed). Anyways, to answer your question, I say make the appointment when you feel better. Having your teeth pulled after giving birth will seem like a breeze.

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Wisdom tooth removal. Any ideas on what this could be?

I had my wisdom teeth removed by an oral surgeon

11 days ago. Ever since the surgery I have had most of my pain on the lower right side. The oral surgon said that tooth was the most difficult to remove b/c it was coming in completely sideways. A few days after the surgery I went back to him because pain seemed to be increasing. It is a throbbing pain that was diagnosed as dry socket. The medicated dressing he put in the socket seemed to help a little at the time, but it was still painful. I don't know that he could see that the blood clot, b/c it is such a deep wound and it was stitched up for the most part. I am worried b/c it still hurts and all of my teeth on that side hurt. Perhaps they are shifting a little b/c all of my wisdom teeth were or impacted? Or I have nerve damage? Or does that sound like infection ( I was never put on an antibiotic after the surgery)? A few days ago I got a foul taste and when cleaning grey stuff came out. I haven't gotten any more but it worried me.

Wisdom tooth removal. Any ideas on what this could be?
ive had 2 cut out and 2 pulled out the lower 2 were cut out and were most painful the top 2 werent so bad, and i luckily didnt get dry socket but i have a friend that did (her dads a dentist too! lol youd think she would have listened to him) but she said dry socket was the most pain shes ever felt so its probably normal to have alot of pain b/c both times i got mine removed they warned me b4 and called me and warned me after the appt and gave me an info sheet on what not to do because your at risk for dry socket if you

a few were do not open or breath through your mouth in cold weather

do not suck through a straw do not suck your teeth do not smoke and dont eat or drink anything hot (might dissolve the stitches)
Reply:Sounds like an infection. You should have no pain by now. Go see the surgeon again. But try not to look to the worst. I had mine done a year ago--and they were black (but you don't want to hear this right now.) The doctor will set you right better than random people like me on the internet. but if you want to talk--drop me a line.

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I am getting my wisdom teeth pulled in 5 days, they are grown out completely and have cavitys, will it hurt?

will I have a lot of pain, I know its cant be as bad as when I had the bottom ones pulled, I was 14 and they were impacted and had not even shown up out of the gum line, they had to dig and crack in several places and it was a night mare..but i want to know if this will be as bad, my dentist told me that it will only take 30 min for the two teeth so I can imagine it wont be horrible...i'm scared

I am getting my wisdom teeth pulled in 5 days, they are grown out completely and have cavitys, will it hurt?
i can assure you it was much easier!! especially when they appear out of the gum. mine was so quick and when i woke up the only thing i didnt like was the blood. it tends to bleed a bit but they give you cotton balls. so dont worry you wil do fine!!! dont be scared i was too i cried into the dentists office and before i fell asleep.. no pain. promise!!
Reply:i had all four out 2day...theres almost no pain, but mine were not grown out at all and did not have cavities...i would think there would be more pain in ur case.

good luck
Reply:I had mine out a few years ago and the pain was much less than I'd expected. I was sore, definitely, but I think that was partially from having my jaw propped open for half an hour -- it certainly wasn't like the horrible pain I had from an abscessed molar, which was REAL pain. It was much better after about three days.
Reply:You will be fine. The cavities will not cause any more or less discomfort than if the teeth were totally healthy
Reply:So you already went through this... It's going to be better this time, don't worry. It's easier to pull out teeth than to "dig for them" like you said. Cheer up! And since you already have cavities in them, it will be better for you in the long run -- cavities hurt and most dentist won't do any work on wisdom teeth.

Plant question

Has anyone had their wisdom teeth cut out?

What was it like? How was recovery? How long to heal? Etc.

I have to have all 4 done next week. Plus one of them is so impacted and coming in all crooked it has actually caused one of my molars to become abscessed. WORST PAIN EVER. I am on antibiotics and pain killers. So yes, I am having a grand total of 5 teeth out - more than my son has in his mouth! I have always been religious about my dental hygeine because I hate going to the dentist. I am worrying myself into a frenzy over it.

Has anyone had their wisdom teeth cut out?
I had all 4 of mine pulled the same top 2 wisdom teeth were sooooo impacted, they were all the way up by my jaw bone. I would NOT have believed it if I didn't see the x-rays myself! My bottom 2 were half way sticking out and the other half were underneath of the "farthest back bottom row teeth". I have no idea how they got them out from the position that they were in and I don't think I want to know! I was under for about 1 and a half hours...they put the mask over my face and said count from 10 back...I made it to 8 and that was it! When i woke up my bottom jaw was a little sore but that was about it...they do give you pain medicine. Just make sure you have someone to drive you home and have some sherbert or ice-cream and some soup for a couple of days. The worst part about it was the anticipation and then the nasty bloody gauze that you will have to change once in a while. My stitches were disovable so no worries about getting the stitches removed. You'll be fine in a few days and you'll have alot less headaches and pressure in you jaw and face. You can keep them lil' stinkers too...I have mine in a Ziploc baggie because they cost about as much as my very first car!!
Reply:It hurts. Takes about 2 weeks to feel much better.

But better than the abscesses.

Maintaining the incisions are important.

Tea bags, and luke warm things are important.

Pudding, apple sauce, and jello are your friends.

Be careful how much pain medication you take as throwing up becomes even more painful.
Reply:I did. It hurt like the devil for the first couple of days, but in the long run, it was worth it.
Reply:Painful during the extraction, painful after. Now days, they'll most likely use anesthesia. It's painful afterwards. It took me about a week and a half to recover.
Reply:oh my god! i feel for you my cheeks swelled up, i had bruises pop up on my cheeks i looked horrible, was in alot of pain and it took a month to get over it. if i could do it all over i WOULD NOT DO IT
Reply:Relax,once it is done you will be happy.
Reply:yeah- i just had that done about 3 weeks ago. It took me a little over a week till there was no pain. Have them put you all the way under. They probably will anyway cuz you are getting them all cut out. (i had 3 cut out)

you can put certain teabags over the hole to cut the pain after you have stopped bleeding. Ask the dentist for more details on this. And put ice on your face as much as possible.

I was really scared too, but becuase they put me under it wasn't so bad. Take at least 3 days off work though- thats what I would recommend.
Reply:I've had all four cut out and am PAIN FREE now.Also wondered why I waited so long to have it done.It will be ok stop worrying
Reply:keep taking those antibiotics! use moistened tea bags (squeeze them first to help with bleeding and rinse with mild salt water it takes about a week or two to be able to eat start with soups soft foods then try harder stuff when pain is gone The pain isnt that bad afterwards just a few days then ibuprofen should help
Reply:Having your wisdom teeth taken out isn't that bad. You're going to be in pain afterwards, but the pain will go away. They usually give you pain pills, so even while you do hurt it;s not that bad. My facial swelling took a few days to go all the way down and I looked like a chipmunk.

The only bad thing about getting them out is that I got a dry socket (where the clot comes out of the hole) and little pieces of bone splintered and came out of my gums. Of course this isn't typical.
Reply:I had all 4 of mine cut out when my 8 y/o was about 5 months old and it was horrible. Mind that they put me to sleep and all so it was not so bad until it got dry socket and was swollen the size of a golf ball on my right cheek. My doctor told me when I was pregnant the first time that alot of times women's wisdom teeth start to come through during pregnancy, weird huh....
Reply:I also had four out at once when I was a teenager. For some reason or another I was not put under for it either. So the experience was pretty bad to say the least. One was quite impacted and they had to dig and dig to get it out. The recovery time with out going under is less though and they are simply more gentle while working on you. So I no puffy face or brusing....just lots of pain. I say within a week I felt fine. And boy are my teeth pretty now :) Good luck to you!
Reply:I was lucky, I only had 1 small one taken out and it was coming in straight. It was not a big deal at all. People I've talked to who have had more taken out have all survived! I doubt if it is a lot of fun, but you should get some good pain meds. I'm sure you will be just fine. Good luck with it...
Reply:I had all four wisdom teeth cut out at once. They put me to sleep but I woke up before they were done-ouch. It wasn't too bad though. My face was pretty swolen for a few days, but it was kind of funny. They gave me painkillers and in about 3 or 4 days I was beginning to feel better. Just follow their advice so you don't get a dry socket-I think that is what it is called. Don't stress. It will go fine.
Reply:It hurts!!! Plus, your mouth will be packed with gauze which is really uncomfortable. No solid food for a couple of days. You get so hungry that the Top Ramon that you do get to eat tastes like a steak. But, you'll get through it and be just fine. Keep tell yourself what I did..."soon this will all be a memory".
Reply:I had all 4 of mine taken out...they put you to sleep when they do it so you don't feel a thing. I actually ate solid foods later that evening, just chewed very carefully w/ the front teeth. I didn't think It was as bad as everyone claims. I just took the medication like they said to, after about 3 days i quit taking the pain killers. You'll be ok, I promise.
Reply:i had two done in one sitting at the dentist, if you are in pain because of the teeth than going to the dentist will be a relief for you, i am very scared of the dentist and require lots of gas for the pain, but it was immediate relief when i got them taken out, and it only took about a day to truly heal.....yes at first it was painful, like right after the visit, but once i slept and got up the next day, i felt great, i was suffering while the teeth where still in my mouth so going and having them pulled was the best thing i did, no more pain.....go to your appointment and just do it, maybe get some gas and they will give you a shot or two of Novocaine as well, it is really quick also, so you'll be done in a jiff....good luck...
Reply:first of all what dentist is going to take all 5 out at the same time?4 months ago i had 1 taken out , the worst part was when he held my head and would pull this way and that way. then no less than 20 mins. lter it was the worst when the meds wore off and it took like 45 mins for the framacy to fill my script, then another 30 for the pills to kick in, all over one tooth, so i feel sorry if your having all 5 pulled
Reply:I had 4 out recently. I didn't have any teeth impacted though so the procedure was fairly smooth. I took about a week to heal up and be on semi-regular foods again. It was about 2 days before I felt good enough to function normally.

I won't lie and say it didn't hurt, it did a lot, but it's better than haven't impacted and abcessed teeth.

I found it helpful to have my husband sit in on the procedure with me so I could hold his hand.

Also, drink chicken or vege broth after the procedure. It'll be warm and comforting as well as replace some of the salts/liquids lost.

Good luck!
Reply:I had all four done when i was 16. They give you "laughing gas" and you are out, dont feel a thing, and when its over i felt really sleepy, they put gauze in your mouth, and you can only eat liquids for a few days. You get a prescription for vicadin (spelling?) and i only used half of one, just slept a lot. It didnt hurt too bad until i went to school after i was mostly healed and people were making me laugh- and that hurt, i also looked like a chipmunk. But, it wasnt too bad. It only takes a couple days to feel normal again.

if you got through child birth this will be a breeze.
Reply:oooh i feel sorry or you. i had a molar pulled out not long ago and it really hurt, the needle they put in first to numb the pain was horiffic it fel like it was going into my brain and then the tooth pulling hurrt even more.

but i am a reall sook when it comes to any sort of pain so u might not want to take my advice on it. it took about a week for it to heal. but still i think it is going to hurt you

goo luck
Reply:If possible, have someone to come and watch your son for the first 48 hours and use icepacks and take your pain meds every XX hours (whatever it says 4, 6, 8) and don't miss a dose. -- don't do anything but sit and veg with the ice and the meds. I had 2 out-- cut out on top, and had virtually no pain with this regime. Your recovery may take a little longer if you can't keep yourself quiet and with cold packs, but it still shouldn't be too bad. I hope you have friends and family to be there and help you out in a pinch.

Good luck
Reply:i had mine out about 3 years ago, my top ones were pretty much out but my bottoms were severally impacted and only a tip was out of each. the dentist had to cut them out.

dont worry about having them out, ur dentist knos what he/she is doing and just think of it this way - once they r out, they can no longer cause u pain

i kept mine when i got mine out, i like looking at them at times and knoing that they can never cause me pain again, plus i dont have to worry about brushing them again (my mouth was too small and i wasnt able to get a brush back there far enough)
Reply:Yes, I've had six teeth pulled - four wisdom teeth and two others that were too rotten to save (and had bridges made). I was awake for the two single extractions but they were a piece of cake. One was abcessed and I practically kissed the oral surgeon when he finished, he was so good and it came out so easy just like butter and MAN it felt so good to get that itchy throbbing painful tooth out. I was dying before I got the tooth out, I couldn't sleep - but afterwards all I took was a few Motrin.

Two of my wisdom teeth were impacted, two were in all the way, I had all four out, they knocked me out entirely and it was exactly ok. I didn't have too much pain, the worst part is biting on those pieces of gauze and drooling bloody saliva for the first day and having your mouth taste like blood, metal and antibiotics. Again I never took anything but Tylenol or Motrin but I had no drugs for childbirth either so I guess I have a high pain tolerance.

Take a few days off and lie around eating ice cream and pudding. You can't use a straw, smoke, have hot stuff or chew much for the first week or so but you are pretty much back to a normal soft diet within 2-3 days.

If they are hurting you, you'll be glad when it's done!
Reply:I had the exact same thing. One of mine came in sideways.

1.) What was it Like - It was OK, I was knocked out completely

2.) Recovery - As long as you take your meds they give you it will be OK.

3.) Healing - It took a couple of weeks for the stitches to close completely just make sure that you drink/eat soup, nothing to hot or cold, brush carefully, change your cotton every couple of hours or so. It will be OK.

Make sure that you follow the dentist 's instructions and you will be fine.
Reply:First and foremost - relax! To be completely honest, you blink and its done. I'm looking at a career in medicine so I knew a bit too much going into it - but I was escorted into the room where they were going to remove them, had a brief discussion with the doctor about what was being done. After that, the assistants started preping by starting an IV with the meds to knock me out as well as put an oxygen device on my face so that I would be getting oxygen, but not detracting from the doctor's ability to work - and finally a clip on my finger so that they could monitor my vital signs. Mostly just precautionary stuff. I had all four removed, the bottom ones were impacted and quite painful. After they started the IV, I blinked twice and the third time I opened my eyes - my mouth was full of gauze and I was just laying in the chair. It was the weirdest feeling ever because it was like "what happened??" but the actual surgery took about a half an hour and I was out for about 20-25 minutes. After I came to, the nurse escorted me to an area where I was told I could lie down and just relax while they got my designated driver (yes someone else has to drive you home). Suprisingly, I wasn't very groggy after getting up from the chair and was very eager to get up and move about, which is okay. The gauze needed to be changed out a few times until it had for sure stopped bleeding, and chewing much of anything was pretty much out of the question (which was quite a a pain because I love steaks and such) but I could have like mac %26amp; cheese because it didn't need to be chewed. Mostly what I did for that week was sleep, eat, and when needed go to the bathroom. I wasn't able to do a lot because of the groggieness factor - but it gave me a lot of time to just relax....truely relax.

It took a few weeks for me to really be able to eat without any discomfort as well as play my instrument in band - but with the medicine they gave me, I was able to make a full recovery. I really wouldn't worry too much because it really isn't that bad, and its way better than being in pain. The biggest pain - is having your mouth packed with gauze to stop the bleeding....because it makes you get cotton-ball mouth and dry.

Good luck and I'm sure everything will go just fine.
Reply:Ha! You think you have pain now!!! I too had all 4 wisdom teeth pulled plus one. I would have rather been shot and then pulled by a truck tied to a rope on broken glass. OK maybe that is little extreme but it hurts like hell. I couldn't talk for two or three days and I couldn't swallow the antibiotics or pain pills they gave me because my mouth was so extremely swollen. My husband had to crush the pills and put them into ensure. I barely got that down due to the numbness in my mouth. Sometimes the drug cocktail along with my ensure lunch would just dribble out the side of my mouth because I had so very little control of it. I cried and spit blood into the sink endlessly. Keep towels close by with a trash can by the bed along with some ice....and buy straws cause that is the only way anything is getting down for a week. Aside from the pain you will look like you have been beaten with a baseball bat in the face. On the plus side however I lost 7 pounds in two weeks. Let me know how it goes! I am going to give birth to my new baby boy tomorrow and I already feel better about it now that I am reminded of that dreadful trip to the dentist last year. P.S. The teeth are great now but I couldn't feel my mouth completely till 6 months later. Good Luck!

Did I mention I was awake during this process with just local anesthetic?
Reply:I had all of mine taken out too. It is painful, I'm not going to lie. But they will give you pain medicine. Your face will swell up like a blow-fish, or at least mine did. As the swelling decreases you will be able to eat better. I had to keep gauze in my mouth to keep from getting what they call "dry socket". But I healed up just fine and now my teeth have room. I ate soft foods. I did stay in bed for the first couple of days. It has been about 6 years ago since I had mine out.
Reply:i got mine out almost a week ago.. a week exactly at 6pm.. half an hour to go lol.. its gross at the moment.. i have a bit of food stuck at the back (wont my dentist b grossed out!) and antibiotic thingies stitched in i think.. i cant c that much.. but i got a week off school :) i was sick on friday n saturday coz i hadnt had a full stomach when taking my antibiotics.. i can eat toast n bacon again thank god.. ice cream was awesome to eat.. and rice and soft hashbrowns.. dont think u can jus eat jello.. soft food is good ok.. prayers r with u and use icepacks as well for swelling and pain :) have fun!

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I am getting my wisdom teeth pulled...?

What does it feel like to be put under the anesthetic? does it feel like you blink and wake up?! im it reallly painful?!

i have to get them pulled because 3 are impacted..and i just got my braces off in november. so if i want to keep my teeth straight. i have to have them removed...

I am getting my wisdom teeth pulled...?
I got four wisdom teeth cut out a few days before thanksgiving a few years ago. The anesthetic wasn't painful at all, I don't even remember them putting the needle in, as soon as they did I was out. I don't remember waking up either.. I remember kinda stumbling out to the car. You hardly have any thoughts and you can't really feel anything.

I only took one of the pain pills they gave me (hydrocodone aka vicodin) and then took ibuprofen.

I don't think it is bad at all but don't suck out of a straw!
Reply:Get them pulled and ask for Vicodin! Vicodin is the best ever!
Reply:It's a pretty freaky feeling to be 'put under' but once you're knocked out you don't feel a thing. You don't feel anything when they're putting you under either. I felt a little bit of tingling in my arms and face but it's nothing you can't handle.

When you wake up it's a weird feeling and you're REALLY tired and groggy...almost like you're DRUNK!!

But it's really an ok experience. nothing to be scared of and it's not painful at all. The only pain you'll feel is a few hours later because your teeth had been pulled out. But the anaesthetic doesn't hurt.
Reply:I had mine removed also. Its more annoying than painful. The anesthetic is weird. Your more or less out instantly and wake up feeling kind of drunk for a while. Dont worry youll be fine
Reply:I had my wisdom teeth done while awake (of course with shots), and it wasn't bad.

I later had sinus surgery while under, and it was MUCH better. You fall asleep, feel and know nothing, and wake up. It didn't hurt me at all, I didn't even take the pain medicine.
Reply:i have to go in this thursday to get the rest of mine pulled you dont feel nothing but i suck afterwards!!i just want to get mine over with!!!
Reply:No. I had mine pulled at about 30 years old. It is quick and pain less. It will be uncomfortable for a while.You do not have to worry.
Reply:I am having mine done too!! =(

I don't know what it is like but I can tell you about anesthetic. First they will put an IV into your wrist, and then wheel you into the room where the surgery will take place. The anaethetist (spell?) will then come and inject anesthetic into your IV-it sometimes feels uncomfortable, and you can literally taste it before you pass out. You will start seeing a bunch of spots and then pass out within 5 seconds. When you wake up you will be very shakey-completely normal. I have heard that it is painful afterwards, but recovery time is different depending on the person. Good luck to you and me!

Hmmm why am I getting negative feedback? I have been under a million times in a million different cities and 2 different countries...I think I know what I'm talking about here...
Reply:Okay been in your situation and having the laughing gas calms you down and makes you feel a little sleepy. I would certainly ask the dental office where you are having them taken out if you can take some tylenol before hand so that you aren't in alot of pain and can keep it controlled. Some people have alot of swelling afterwards make sure you take the antibiotics if they give them to you. Eat real soft foods afterwards and if they tell you to swish after eatting do so.. Also try to avoid straws.. can take out the blood clots.

Good Luck I bet your teeth look awesome!!
Reply:If you're actually seeing an anesthesiologist they'll put you to sleep and you'll wake up without feeling the pain of the procedure, but you'll naturally hurt for a while after.

If they're just numbing it they put you on oxygen for a while and the only bad thing you feel is when they inject the numbing stuff which is just like a pinch on your gum. Then you feel all floaty and cool for an hour and you just have to deal with the numbness like from a cavity filling. :)
Reply:My story...I'll give you the short version. I walk in and sit in the chair. The put all kinds of heart monitors on me and start an IV. Then after chatting up the doctor a little bit he then walks over to my IV bag and says you're going to feel a little sleepy now to which I reply, "all right we'll see you later." The last thing I remember is the novacane shot inside my mouth. After that, nothing. In fact the next thing I remember after that is the nurse saying that we were done. And I was thinking, "huh, nothing happened yet." I was completely unaware that some two hours had passed. But sure enough, when I tried to sit up, I knew that something had just happened. I was in no pain at all. I was very groggy and needed help getting to and in the car. Bottom line, you have nothing worry about. It'll be over before you know it.
Reply:great question. i was put under anastectic last week.. for me. it was like this.

injection.. wake 10 seconds.. my throat kinda fet wierd.. i then said .. hey my throat is feeling funny. 5 seconds later i passed out. i dreamed of nothing. not one thought was processed thru my brain. i then woke up. i knew i passed out.

it was about 43 minutes for me.. i remember the time that the injection was injected into me.. about 12:14.. then in woke at 1:01 think of it like this.. remeber the time you get the injection, then when u wake. ask asap what time it is. your brain will put combine time+(the action that accured) together and you can remeber every thing that happened after the injection. it doesnt hurt, when you wake, you will just feel like you entered a mircosleep. for example......

if your really tired and you just cant keep you eyes open, you fall asleep so fast. OR you are getting ready for work and you lay in bed for a couple of seconds. then the next minute you 2 hours late for work/school.. its fast and you cant realy pin-point the axact time you fall into your trance. but u know axactly wut time you wake, cuse you consuois alerts ur brain that you are infact awake.
Reply:it doesn't hurt they just numbed my mouth really well it was numb for at least 6 hours. The sound of the teeth being removed was a little scary i felt no pain. My other wisdom had to be cut out and they just numbed my mouth again, no pain at all just a little discomfort the next couple days
Reply:Everything will be fine. I had mine pulled a year ago in January (bottom two impacted). Anesthesia was fine. You can talk to the nurse or whoever and you will barely remember going out. My boyfriend (who had his removed a couple of months after me) compares it to taking a nap in the afternoon. You fall asleep in front of the TV and wake up three hours later than you intended to. You might not even remember falling asleep. When they wake you up, you will be groggy for most of the day (had mine done in the morning and was out of it for most of the day).

As for pain relief (it's more of an ache than a sharp pain), remember to ice one side for 15 minutes and then ice the other side for 15 minutes. 15 on 15 off. That's what my oral surgeon told me to do. I suck with it for a couple of days and had minimal swelling. Could not even tell that I had them removed.

The ice along with prescription strength ibuprofen was all I needed for pain relief. Just follow the directions of the oral surgeon and you should be fine.
Reply:If you are really scared, you could request for "conscious sedation", normally this will help you feel relaxed and even drowsy before injecting the anesthetic, but you have to make sure that somebody is going home or drive for you after. The process of injecting itself is not really painful, it is after the anesthesia wears off , when you will feel the pain ( and also when paying the bills! ) , but normally this is avoided because pain relievers will be prescribed....

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What is the percentage of numbness/paralysis for people who get lower wisdom teeth removed?

And also what is the average time it lasts? My lower third molars are coming out tomorrow and I'm scared because my teeth are pretty much entwined in the nerve and very impacted.

What is the percentage of numbness/paralysis for people who get lower wisdom teeth removed?

I wouldn't worry about it. These days, it is very uncommon that there is any nerve damage. You will be asked to sign a waiver stating that you are aware of that risk, because anything CAN happen... but it is VERY uncommon.

Be sure to discuss your fears with your surgeon before the surgery, and I'm sure he/she will be happy to show you the x-rays and explain how they intend to avoid complications.

Good luck, and I hope your surgery goes well.

Reply:don't worry about a thing, they will put you asleep probably and I don't think it will last more than an hour.
Reply:I had all 4 of mine removed and didn't have any trouble.
Reply:don't have it done!!!!!!!!!!!! you are going to DIE-DIE-DIE-DIEEEEE!!!!
Reply:I got my wisdom teeth out in March. My doctor told me all the risks of getting these teeth removed and he said that the risk is low. If your nerves are all around your teeth and the doctor told you this, he can't make you go through with the surgery unless you agree. I would wait awhile if I were you. Some peoples wisdom teeth will never come in. I waited until they started to bother me alot and we surfacing. I can tell you that two of mine were impacted and those hurt a lot. Obviously they will put you to sleep but its the after. I was in and out within an hour. The pain lasted a good couple of days. But i was given painkillers that helped alot. Well good luck tomorrow. You should call your doctor and talk to him/her about all the risks again and decide if this is something you need to do right now.
Reply:See a dentist!

For a very good article on wisdom teeth, visit:

Reply:I had the lower ones removed at 19. Then I got dry socket because I didn't follow instructions and sloshed beer on it all weekend because the doctor's office was closed. He packed it with meds 3 times that week and the infection went away and I was fine. Just follow the advise of the doctor. My 20 year old son's wisdom teeth pain lasted 2 weeks until I got back home and I bought tea tree oil for him. It tastes awful, but it works. You can get a bottle at Sun Harvest or a natural food store. Our local grocery started carrying it to because of the demand.


Does getting your wisdom teeth out hurt?

they're not impacted and i only need to get them out because i just got my braces off and if i don't then my teeth will get crowded because my mouth is to small.

Does getting your wisdom teeth out hurt?
Not when they put you to sleep, its afterwards that hurts, but no more than any other tooth that has been pulled.
Reply:Yup I got all 4 of mines out the same time.Man it hurted sooo muchhh I was actually crying after wehn I got home.


Teeth extraction questions?

i have wisdom teeth (4) and 4 regular teeth for braces. i had it done yesterday so the 4 regular teeth has black on them which i guess is normal since its just blood but when does it go away? how long does swelling last? how do i brush my teeth i also have stitches in the back of my lower jaw because i have 2 small impacting teeth.

Teeth extraction questions?
Didn't your dentist go through this with you? That's a bit harsh to leave you with no instructions. The discolouration should go away in a few weeks, gradually it will return to the normal pink colour. The swelling also will be gone in a few weeks. When you brush your teeth, be SO careful. Stay away from the area for a week or so. It may even be better just to rinse gently instead of brushing. Good luck with the discomfort, just think how great your teeth will look once they are all healed and straight!


Wisdom teeth? Please answer?

I have i think got my wisdom coming through, is it normal for them to ache and hurt.

I heard they only hurt when they are impacted

Im really worried please put my mind at rest

p.s im 16

Wisdom teeth? Please answer?
YES, even if they are coming out, they are going to hurt. I am sure you have seen a crying baby and heard its mother say, "he's just teething" - cutting teeth hurt no matter how old you are. And to be honest, they don't really hurt when they are impacted b/c they aren't moving (all 4 of mine were impacted before I had them removed at 21). So, at your age, they are probably just pushing through - and they will ache and hurt...sometimes pretty bad. Sorry you're going through that!'s normal that they will ache. if they don't grow out correctly, then that is when you feel the pain. it's nothing to be worried about at all.
Reply:Generally it is normal for them to hurt - mine hurt like hell for a while and I have all four healthy in my mouth.
Reply:it is normal for them to hurt a little
Reply:They can hurt impacted or not impacted. I suffered really bad pain and still do on occasions. Go to your dentist and have an x-ray. If they are impacted, they need to be removed.. Mine were not impacted but he gave me antibiotic tablets to numb the pain.
Reply:no not true my daughters hurtb like that they are fine now go get them checked at dentist if you still worried
Reply:Yes they will hurt when they come through- even if they are not impacted. Think of a baby cutting teeth. They are pushing through your gums- and that just hurts!
Reply:mine used to hurt every time i had a cold so no they dont just hurt when they are impacted. best thing to do is go to a dentist and set yr mind at rest
Reply:They can hurt even if not impacted as they have to break through the gum. Sometimes of course there are the rare cases where they get impacted or can't break through the gum. Try taking an Advil when you can to ease some of the pain, don't chew on things that put pressure, and have a parent or yourself make an appointment to see a dentist to take an xray to determine if it really is wisdom teeth and not something else.

Reply:Yes don't worry its normal...But in time get a Dentist to Remove them as you will find out that they are Useless To us...But only causes pain in ya life....Just keep ya teeth clean of plaque and all will be fine...:)
Reply:You should ask your dentist. They can tell you.
Reply:if they have just started to come up, but haven't poked through the gums yet, then yes they are going to hurt. the rest of your teeth have to move slightly so they can fit through. if so, that is why they are achy.

but if they have been half poking out of your gums for a while, aka "partially erupted," then you could have cavities in them. food gets under the gum area where its half covering the tooth because there's no way you could brush under there. GROSS but its true.

either way you're probably going to ahve to get them out, which seriously is NOT as bad as you think. the first day you're just groggy from the anesthetic, but the next day you're almost back to normal. so really its just one crap day then you're almost totally fine. i put off getting mine out for like 2 years because i was worried sick, but it ended up being not bad at all
Reply:Mine werent Impacted, nor were my husbands and when they came out, they hurt BAD.

Keep a clove on the spot where it hurts and press a little with your gums so that its juice comes out. It will help ease the pain.
Reply:Yes... they will hurt, but you should check yr dentist to make sure that they're not coming out impacted, which happened to me as my jaw was too small to accommodate them when they came out and I had to have them extracted, and you better believe me that's hurt you realllly don't want to meet
Reply:My wisdom teeth (all 3 of them! 1 impacted 2 normal) came through in my late 20's and I remember saying that now I knew why babies cry when teething.

You will probably find that your gums are sore and swollen, being able to feel the tooth as a lump under the gum, possible light bleeding or metallic taste, excessive saliva and sore bottom.

I found it a very painful process especially when each tooth started to break through the gum but the excess saliva was the worst part - I would wake up to find my pillow soaking wet and sore red lines running down from the corners of my mouth.

I would recommend buying a teething gel to rub onto your gums to help. Sucking/chewing ice helps too.
Reply:Wisdom teeth can be down right painful regardless of whether their impacted or not, the pain is normally where the bone lining the tooth socket becomes inflamed as the tooth is erupting through the gum.

Another common complaint with wisdom teeth is Pericoronitis, this is an inflammation of the gum overlying the erupting teeth, food/debris become trapped in the flap of gum and an infection surfaces, rinsing the mouth with warm salty water helps as it will wash away the food/debris and the salt will act almost like a disinfectant.

Try and get an appointment with your dentist, he/she will be able to xray your teeth and put your mind at rest.
Reply:its normal, they are cutting thru the skin in same way as a baby's do. take some ibuprofen or paracetamol to help
Reply:it's normal don't worry my bro just got one it hurt him alot
Reply:Ever seen a baby toothing? They're trying to massage their gums because it hurts for those teeth to break through their gums!

My brother's really hurt before he got his pulled; I'm not sure if they were impacted.

performing arts

Wisdom teeth. Should I pull all 4 or 2 @ a time?

Keep in mind they are impacted and sideways and all 4 need to come out. No question about them coming out cuz my teeth are starting to get crooked. But, some say don't do all 4 at once. What do you think?

Wisdom teeth. Should I pull all 4 or 2 @ a time?
Thats exsactly how mine were! Plus i waited literally 9 yrs after the dentist told me to have them removed to actually get it done. Get em all out at the same time. Im telling you get it all over with at once. Spend a couple days off work drugged out on the couch. Good luck, I feel for you...
Reply:take them all out at the same time
Reply:Get them all at once because you most likely won't want to go through it a second time.
Reply:Do it four at once. Get it over with.
Reply:Yes, all 4...get it over with...
Reply:Take them all out at the same time. That's what I did.
Reply:Get it all done in one shot
Reply:I had all four of mine out at once and I didn't have any problems.

Good Luck.
Reply:Take them all out at the same time and get it over with. That's what I did and I was fine.
Reply:I had all four and it wasn't bad, they just put you to sleep and its pretty much normal in a couple days... I didnt even take any pain pills
Reply:yep all 4 out if I had to go twice for that I would have never went back. It was not an experience I would care to discuss
Reply:If they're impacted, get them all done at the same time. You already know it won't be a picnic, so why need to go back again?
Reply:Take them all out at one time. You probably won't want to do it again (I didn't). Plus, there is a possible chance that you would have to pay more...some dentists do that for some strange reason...
Reply:I did all four at once, but mine weren't impacted. I would probably ask the dentist/dental surgeon his advice
Reply:don`t take them out till you have done your
Reply:I've had one pulled out and it does hurt a lot but I would say t have all 4 done at the same time to get it over with. A friend of mine did that had all 4 done and said she is glad she did now.
Reply:All at once
Reply:Had I done all four at once it would have been two weeks of down time instead of all summer. I don't like long prolonged pain...I say go for them all at once. I wish I had.
Reply:I had all mine taken out at once as well. They were also impacted and growing in sideways at the top, and the ones at the bottom were already in, just under the gumline. Dont worry about pain, they keep you doped up enough.
Reply:I had three removed at once, ( the first was taken a few years back) and it was not a good feeling. Can't eat, but if your trying to lose weight its great, mouth is swollen when you remove that many teeth at once. You may be out of work for a couple of days. But the advantage of it is you don't have to go back and go though that ordeal again. It all depends on how much you believe you can take at once. And your general health condition is a factor too. I hope this helps.
Reply:If they are impacted I would suggest doing only 2 at time. Only one side was impacted for me and it was a real hassle. Recover from the first side before you do the second.
Reply:all 4 at once!! that way you dont have to go back...

mortgage rate

Got wisdom teeth surgery need help.?

I had 2 wisdon teeth pulled out by surgery like 5 days ago, they were not fully impacted. I was prescribed the antibiotic for 7 days 4 pills a day but i only taken it for 3 days i didnt complete the course and today is the 5th day. so would i be ok rinsing my mouth with salt water? i just didnt like the side effects of that antibiotic. my stiches are coming off on tuesday 2 days from today so i just need to know what else i can do to prevent infection? by the way i dont chew with my jaws i use my front teeth. any help? Thanks.

Got wisdom teeth surgery need help.?
I had all 4 wisdom teeth out in surgery and I wasnt given any antibiotics was only told to wash my mouth with warm salt water 3 times a day and i never got any infections!
Reply:you should be fine to rinse with salt water
Reply:Yes, you are probably fine to rinse with antibiotics. However, not completing the antibiotics can cause antibiotics resistance. This is the reason for the huge outbreak of resistant staph infections killing people. If you do not take all of the antibiotics, not all the bacteria that should have been killed die. This results in regrowth of these bacteria and when prescribed this antibiotic again, it will not work. You are asking for trouble.


Why do I feel sick when the dentist x-rays my teeth?

Ok, I'm getting a dentist appointment finally tomorrow. I haven't been there for, like a year or two and I am terrified. I need an appointment because one of my wisdom teeth is impacted and there's also a cyst there =/ I am scared of the x-rays they do, when they put the thing in my mouth I start to feel like I want to throw up. I hate that feeling! Also the last time I had a tooth taken out, even with the numbing it hurt like hell =( How can I calm down during these procedures?

Why do I feel sick when the dentist x-rays my teeth?
You have a sensitive gag reflex. There are techniques they can do to help relieve that. Explain to the assistant before she begins taking your x-rays. You can also try to breathe deeply. Tell the dentist also that you're difficult to numb so he or she knows to give a couple extra injections.
Reply:just breathe, i feel the exact same way during xrays! i just breathe and sometimes hold my breath so i don't have that "oh crap i am about the throw up" feeling.

i had 2 impacted wisdom teeth removed about 3 years ago. hopefully your tooth didn't do any damage to your surrounding teeth because that could be even more painful.

when my wisdom teeth were taken out i was pretty out of it, they put me to sleep since impacted teeth are more compicated. when you go in ask if you can get your precription for painkillers/antibiotics so you can get them before the surgery, trust me, it helps a lot!

you might be swollen and bruised just put some ice packs on your face to help with that. i looked like a chipmunk for 2 weeks! haha
Reply:I have the gag reflex too.. When I was a child, my dentist at the time said to breathe thru your nose... i have done that ever since and it works,... good luck with the surgery. I had all 4 taken out last monday... everyone is different but for me I was pretty good the first couple of days... then on day three is when the pain settled in. now its almost a week after and I have some jaw pain and my teeth are really sensitive and its more annoying than the pain. Be sure to get some pain killers.. you are going to need them.. over the counter stuff doesnt work on me at all. I go for my check up tomorrow.. im for sure going to ask for more pain killlers... I would say..complete healing will take 2 full weeks.. it will for me anyway

my bird

Any advice for pain after wisdom teeth removal? Pills don't seem to be lasting long enough.?

I had my 2 lower teeth surgically extracted yesterday. They were full impacted. They gave me 5mg Oxycodone. They bottle says 1 every 4-8 hours. I am taking them every four hours but after the third hour I am in excruciating pain again.

What can I do?

Any advice for pain after wisdom teeth removal? Pills don't seem to be lasting long enough.?
Christie (above) is right.

Alternate the Oxycodone with ibuprofen so as to keep daily maiximums of each drug within limits.

i.e. oxycodone, then 3 hours later ibuprofen, then 3 hours later oxycodone again, etc.

You are therefore getting MORE than 4 hours between each dose of the SAME medication.

If this still isn't enough then split them only 2 hours apart., and you will be getting exactly 4 hours apart for each medication.
Reply:Take Tylenol 3. You need a perscription, but for this type of surgery you can usually get it. If not, take Codine or something that contains it.

You definitely should call your doc and tell him about the pain so you can get something stronger..

In terms other ways for pain relief, ice packs worked for me. Try frozen peas or soft ones so you can mold them to the shape of your face.

Nothing will take the pain away fully except time, but this should help! eat ice cream and feel better!
Reply:Try ice. My boyfriend had his out and they said put ice on it.
Reply:use warm salt water and swish it softly around in your mouth. I had a tooth pulled a few weeks ago and pills weren't helping. Make sure not to swish it hard like you would mouthwash so that you don't get dry sockett. Do this every 2 hours, and use a good bit of salt.
Reply:You might have a dry socket. That is where the blood clot falls out of the hole where your tooth was. If that is the case the nerve is not yet dead and is totally exposed to the air creating terrible discomfort. you need to go back to the dentist to get it repacked. The pain should be gone after the first day.
Reply:You do need to call your doctor. He/she may be able to give you something stronger. Also try rinsing with peroxide. It is possible that you have a dry socket, and they are slow healing. If it is a dry socket, only an antibiotic and rinsing with peroxide will help.
Reply:Try taking Advil (ibuprofen) at that 3 hour mark...the 2 drugs can work well together without giving you too much of the Tylenol that's in Oxycodone. Also make sure you have some food in your stomach, the meds are absorbed better and there's less potential for nausea.

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Sharp bone on inside of jaw after wisdom tooth extraction???

i had my bottom right wisdom tooth extracted about a week ago. the stitches are now out and there's definitely a hole where the impacted tooth used to be. however, on the inside of the gum (a little flap separating the hole and this other slit)... it's really sharp. it seems as if it's exposed bone... but the stitches were no where near this slit. is this normal?

it irritates the side of my tongue when it rubs against it b/c it is so sharp... and even more when i talk. any answers?

Sharp bone on inside of jaw after wisdom tooth extraction???
That is ok and really common, especially if the tooth was impacted. What the dentist had to do with an impaction is chisel the tooth out. That can leave fragments of the tooth behind in the gum that will eventually work their way to the surface... guess what, yours did. At this point if it is bothering you too much, providing you can get a hold of it, you can pull it out with tweezers. If not continue to use the warm salt water rinse that the dentist recommended, to decrease the swelling around the previous tooth site. Honestly this is really very normal
Reply:I had a similar thing happen. it adventually got better but for awhile it was weird. Bring it up at your follow-up appointment
Reply:i experienced that , it is called a spur, and although it can work it's way loose on its own, it may be better to go back to the dentist.
Reply:No ,it is not normal.When they extract the impacted tooth,they drill the bone around it to make some room to wigle the tooth out.The bone gets very thin and breaks during pulling and pushing.You have a broken peace of bone just sitting there.You have to go back and ask them to get it out,so the area will heal.
Reply:If you followed the post-op instructions, you don't have "dry socket." That's the worst possible result, and if you had it you would know it.

It may well be a fragment of bone that's dislodged itself and migrated through the gum. Call your dentist and ask what they can do about it. In any case, it's not horribly serious.

I had a similar problem when I had my wisdom teeth removed (all 4 of them... 35 years ago), it finally pulled out of the gum after a few weeks.
Reply:Always have your wisdom teeth removed by a specialist oral %26amp; Maxillofacial surgeon. To find out about impacted teeth, prophylactic wisdom tooth surgery, general tooth extraction (inlcuding adjacent tooth shifts), and dental implants in Australia, go to

my cat

I am so afraid of getting dry socket. I got my wisdom teeth pulled today and there are white spots where....?

the teeth got cut out (they were impacted), and when you barely press on the white spots air comes out. Could it be dry socket? I just got them pulled today and I have been doing everything the dentist told me to. I really dont want to get dry socket. :-(

I am so afraid of getting dry socket. I got my wisdom teeth pulled today and there are white spots where....?
You shouldn't be pressing on or playing with anything around your tooth sockets at this point. Dry socket happens when a clot won't form and , if you keep playing with your sockets, your blood won't flow and clot. Everything takes 10 days to heal intraorally so give it some time. Don't pick at it with your fingers or play with the sockets with your tongue, don't drink from a straw or make any type of sucking gestures, don't chew or brush on or near the sockets, don't spit, and keep everything as clean as possible around the area and you should be okay. If you had dry socket, you would know. The pain is excrutiating. If you are uncomfortable with these air sacks, have your dentist check them out asap.
Reply:you just had them extracted today..............relax, it's going to be ok. Dry socket is very.very painfull. Do not suck through a straw, drink anything hot or spicy, no rinses today and no smoking!!!!! Eat soft foods like eggs, pudding, icecream etc. No spitting. You will be just fine, give it a couple of days, you will be sore, it's normal. If you have any concerns, contact your DDS. Good luck to will be just fine.
Reply:A dry socket refers to the spot in the jaw bone where the tooth used to be, where there is now a hole in the bone- that's the tooth socket. When a tooth is pulled, the bone will bleed at that spot, and form a large clot to seal off that area of the bone. If for some reason the clot is dislodged and lost, the spot of bone becomes open to the air and loses moisture the bone needs. It dehydrates, and the result is a lot of pain. It takes a few days to have this happen, since you just had the tooth pulled, you don't have a dry socket. The white spots you are seeing are areas of the gum which have either no blood supply or very little. It's normal to see at this stage in the game. For starters, keep your fingers out of the spots because your fingers can introduce an infection you don't need, and you can dislodge that clot yourself by accident and give yourself a dry socket. Continue to follow the directions the dentist gave you for the post op care. Don't be sucking through a straw, or sucking on dry candy. Rinse your mouth gently after you eat, brush gently and floss- taking care not to be hitting the holes in the gum. Drink lots of fluids to keep the mouth moist. And avoid using those toothpastes with peroxide in them, which can bubble that clot out. If you develop a dry socket, it normally happens after a couple days, once the worst of the swelling and pain have gone down. You will notice a sudden increase of pain on one side, sometimes in a specific spot. If that happens, just go back to the dentist. They will put some packing material in the spot, or some medication to replace the clot seal, and the pain will go away again. Sometimes, despite all your care, you can still develop a dry socket. While it's painful, it's easy to fix and doesn't particularly hurt anything in the long run. So relax and follow the directions you have. More than likely you'll heal and do just fine. Meantime, keep your fingers and tongue out of the holes left behind.

Don't think about it

Just follow your dentist instructions

By the way some studies was talking about Iboprofen and its good effect

So simply with no side effects / if you have good stomach can take Iboprofen 400 mg / shelf drug / every 6 hours for one day

so no pain and no inflamation

family nanny

Wisdom teeth extraction healing period?

I had all four of my widsom teeth taken out Friday. They were sideways impacted and had cysts around them blah blah blah. I'm feeling a lot better, but I have to stay on the medicine pretty heavily. I just don't know how long the healing process is. I thought that I'd be able to sing by the end of the week, but now I've read that it could take up to a month or two. Does anyone have any idea how long the NORMAL healing period is? Thank you so much!

Wisdom teeth extraction healing period?
My daughter had all 4 out and was completely fine after a week. I've never heard of a month. If it was Friday, you should really start feeling better by about Wednesday. With the cysts, you might still have some swelling for 2-3 days after that.

Hope your feeling better real soon. At least it's over.
Reply:I know what you are going through. I had mines pulled out in oct. 2007 and i had to stay of work for three days but it didn't heal all the way until about a month later. make sure you rinse your mouth out with peroxide(after a week) so food and excess things wont get stuck down in gums while they are healing. HOPE YOU FEEL BETTER!
Reply:I had mine done while awake. I was more afraid of being put to sleep them having mine cut out, They were impacted.

I didnt eat well for like a week but all in all after a week I was much better, After 2 weeks I was fine. It depends more on each person and how they deal with pain. But I was swollen and bruised for a week but that was me.

Good Luck and eat soft foods!
Reply:I had all four of mine removed at once as well, and I was honestly feeling fine in about 48 hours. HOWEVER, even if you're feeling fine, be careful what you do. Follow your care instructions to a T. When I was feeling better, I assumed I WAS better and proceeded to eat pizza and ended up with a pretty little infection in the extraction site. So even though you might feel better sooner than you think, be cautious and follow what your dentist says because you're still going to be healing, even when you don't feel it. Good luck and feel better!!!

my dog

What does Boney impacted tooth mean? I would like to see a picture. Any links with pics would work.?

I am getting my top left wisdom tooth pulled and im so confused about my insurance. They say health insurance covers oral surgery if the tooth is boney and impacted. I dont know what that means! I want my dental insurance to cover it it would be so much cheaper. I have the one wisdom tooth and its there but its broken and black. Obviously its a cavity. Would that be boney and impacted or not. I hope its not. Thanks for your help!

What does Boney impacted tooth mean? I would like to see a picture. Any links with pics would work.?
The term "bony" impaction indicates that the wisdom tooth is still fully encased in the jaw's bone.

The link below has pictures.
Reply:I think boney and impacted is for wisdom teeth that are actually sticking out of your gums - you can FEEL them - and non-boney are ones that haven't actually surfaced.
Reply:boney impacted means... the tooth cannot erupt because it is covered by bone


Need a painful wisdom tooth removed and dont have insurance or a regular dentist. How much will it cost?

I am middle aged and have never had a wisdom tooth removed. My upper jaw has a fully grown out, straight (non-impacted), wisdom that has a big hole that food gets caught in and causes me quite a bit of pain. I dont have insurance, I can get it through my work, but am not sure that i can wait for all the red tape, It really hurts. Does anyone have a dentist story to share regarding their wisdom tooth? Thanks.


Need a painful wisdom tooth removed and dont have insurance or a regular dentist. How much will it cost?
The pain in your tooth won't be as bad as the pain you feel when you get that bill. I'm guessing in excess of $1,000. Best bet is to set up a payment plan with t he dentist where you're paying at least $50-whatever a month.
Reply:i had my wisdom tooth removed yesterday,and got an estimate for my dentist.although i have a insurance and they will cover all my cost.but i can give you the number my dentist gave me for the extraction

upper wisdom tooth :- 274 each

lower wisdom tooth :- 359 each

not sure if all dentist charge the same but i am guessing it must be close if not between u can take a tax deduction next year if u itemize you deductions :-) all the best ,hope this helps
Reply:you don't metion where u live. Sounds like the tooth is fully erupted, not impacted. In Ontario, any dentist (excluding speciallists) should charge the same rate. A "simple extraction" is $80 and a "complex" extraction is $150. Call around, see if you can find someone that will do the exam for free. They legally have to take an x-ray before the removal and that is about $20.

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Wisdom teeth?

hey, I just wanted to see if anyone can provide advice for me. In about 2 weeks I am having 3 of my widom teeth removed, which are all impacted. Im really nervous about the whole thing as this is my first type of surgery!

I was also wondering is anyone could tell me what the procedue is like under IV sedation.

Wisdom teeth?
Personally I would advise to have the two on the same side removed first and the other side done later. It's going to be sore a while, and at least you'll be able to eat on one side of your mouth.

Going under sedation is the best way. I had my first pulled without and it was brutal, because the roots were long. The other three were under sedation at three separate times and all three were a breeze.
Reply:rinse your mouth with salt water for a few days after the procedure.
Reply:I was awake through my surgery while my friend was under sedation. She went back to work the next day while I was sick and swollen for about a week. I think it just depends on you and how your body reacts to the drugs. I'm one of those people that doesn't take medication unless I absolutely have to so maybe that's why I had such a hard time. Well good luck!
Reply:I've had all but one of my wisdom's removed so I'm not that wise any more :( , but I still have some common sense! All kidding aside, since they are impacted as mine were I believe they will use an IV and Intros Oxide i.e. laughing gas to make you groggy and the IV to completely put you under. You won't feel a thing and you won't remember anything past the needle going into your arm more than likely. Don't worry. It's normal to feel anxious when it's your first time. I'm about to have major surgery soon and I'm pretty darn nervous!
Reply:Hey there! You'll be fine. I'm 31 and just had all four of mine out at once about a week ago. I ate chik fil a, a sandwhich and fries for dinner tonight.

I had mine out via IV sedation and don't remember much more than waking up to them asking me to bite down on the gauze.

I got a prescription for ibuprofen and percocet(oxycodone).

I never had to take the percocet because the pain was very manageable. I personally had minimal swelling.

As long as you have good oral hygiene you should do just fine.

Even being 31 having wisdom teeth with long roots that were all impacted. On one some bone had to be chipped away on my jaw bone to get the tooth out. With all of that it only took the oral surgeon about 20 minutes and I'm doing just fine post-op.

You'll do great!

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Wisdom Teeth...?

Im experiencing ALOT of pain with one of my wisdom teeth breaking through. My cheek and my gum has been swollen for about 5 days now and i can feel a little lump on the edge of my gum. I've also noticed a really bad taste in my mouth.

I've not been able to eat anything but soup as it hurts to eat. It even hurts to smile because of my cheek.

Do you think i should get it removed? Is it normal to experience this?? and also do they impact on flying as i am travelling around at the moment and am scared to fly incase it causes more problems...

thanks for your help...

Wisdom Teeth...?
Talk to your dentist immediatlely. He/She maybe able to prescribe something for your pain. Depending on your discomfort they may want to you to have them removed (probably not a bad idead any way). Not sure on the flying, but the different air pressure may cause more added pressure on you teeth.
Reply:I would see a dentist or orthodontist to see if it needs to be removed, often they remove them because it will cause the rest of your teeth to become crooked. It will hurt while it comes in, just like teething in babies.
Reply:Wisdom teeth are a valuable asset to the mouth when they are healthy and properly positioned. Often, however, problems develop that require their removal. When the jaw isn't large enough to accommodate wisdom teeth, they can become impacted (unable to come in or misaligned). Wisdom teeth may grow sideways, emerge only part way from the gum or remain trapped beneath the gum and bone.

Extraction of wisdom teeth is generally recommended when:

* Wisdom teeth only partially erupt. This leaves an opening for bacteria to enter around the tooth and cause an infection. Pain, swelling, jaw stiffness and general illness can result.

* There is a chance that poorly aligned wisdom teeth will damage adjacent teeth.

* A cyst (fluid-filled sac) forms, destroying surrounding structures such as bone or tooth roots.

Patients should ask the dentist about the health and positioning of their wisdom teeth. The dentist may make a recommendation for removal or send the patient to an oral surgeon for further evaluation.

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Wisdom teeth can the dentist remove them?

Or do you always need to go to the hospital?

I've got an impact one on my lower jaw that will need an operation, but on the opposite side (lower) I have a 'normal' one. The dentist has said he needs to remove it , he's taken xrays and said it's straight forward unlike my impact one, but A mate of mine says I shouldn't let him as only the hospital have the facilities for removal of wisdom teeth. what should i do... Thanks in advance

Wisdom teeth can the dentist remove them?
I had a wisdom tooth removed at the dentist, no probs at all.

If the X-Rays show its an easy removal have it done by the dentist. Wisdom teeth extractions are just the same as any extraction when they are not inpacted so ignore your mate and listen to the dentist, he's had 7years training and years of experience.
Reply:Well look at it this way: would you rather take dental advice from a dentist or from your mate?
Reply:If he's certified as a dentist.. which he/she should be if he/she is a dentist.

But, i would just double check with the hospitals and ask any questions you are concerned with your dentist.

That's what i would do.
Reply:i thinki'd take a dentist word over a friend.

i had all 4 of mine removed in hospital.

it wasn't as bad as people make out so dont worry..
Reply:go with your dentist he`s qualified, is your mate?
Reply:have your dententist send you to an oral surgon they can do the operation at the oral surgon office. There no need to have it done at the hospital there dentist office that dose that kind of work in the office.
Reply:I have heard that you have to go to hospital. I have 3 but mine are ok thank god!!!
Reply:If you have to have the impact one removed in hospital you could ask them to remove the other side at the same time, save going through the pain twice and gets it done faster that way
Reply:It all depends on how close the nerve is to the root of the tooth. I had one that needed removing but my dentist was reluctant to remove it because of the nerve lying close. He sent me to the hospital where they took it out under local in exactly the same way the normal dentist would, but I guess he was just being extra cautious.

There's no question your impacted one should be removed at the hospital, but providing your dentist has taken xrays of your normal one to locate the nerve then there's no reason he shouldn't whip it out for you ..... as long as you trust him of course! lol
Reply:I would go along with what the dentist tells you, he/she probably knows more about it than your friend
Reply:Is that friend of yours a dentist ? A Dentist is capable of doing all the necessary medications and minor surgeries from his clinic itself unless its something real big. In such circumstances, he would automatically recommend you to a hospital.

I suggest let the dentist do what hes trained to do.
Reply:Wisdom teeth can be removed at the dentist's office under local anesthesia and nitrous oxide (laughing gas) if there are no factors that may complicate the procedure.

The "normal" wisdom tooth can be removed in a dentist's office. Unfortunately, the impacted wisdome tooth would require the expertise of an oral surgeon, which would definitely result in outpatient surgery.

My advice: First, get an examination from an oral surgeon. Ask if it's possible to have the impacted tooth and normal tooth removed at the time under general anesthesia.

I don't know where you live, but if you have dental insurance, you may want to contact them to find out exactly how much of this procedure they will cover.
Reply:well the dentists are capable to do it because it is not that complicated like splinting of jaw or closing of torus maxillaries as you think. You may referrer to the hospital if you have one of these complication.

1. Bleeding disorders due to hereditary disease, bone marrow, suppression or extensive liver disease

2. Susceptibility to shock due to adrenocortical insufficiency

or uncontrolled diabetes

3. Severe cardiovascular disease

4. Susceptibility to infection due to primary or secondary


5. Need of heavy sedation or general anesthesia

6. Neuromuscular or other physical disability requiring

special dental equipment for proper management
Reply:yes they can, two of my friends got their wisdom teeth out by their dentist. And Im sure if the dentist thought there may be aproblem , he wouldnt dream of taking the risk of doing it himself....because at best for him,you could sue him.

so dont worry....but do take a couple of days off work :-)
Reply:I have removed many wisdom teeth in 32 yrs. G P here DMD
Reply:I assume since this showed up only on UK you are in Britain. Been researching this as I may have this dubious pleasure in the near future. Speaking for myself I would get it done in hospital under general anasthetic if at all possible even though there is only one (barely) surviving one in my mouth.

Actually dentists can remove the top one of yours.

The snags are with the local dentist -

Unlike an NHS hospital you will have to pay (unless you don't normally pay dental charges). It cannot be done under general anasthetic and you have to have local. And if it is fiddly or botched (less likely in hospital - which can also deal with later complications better) you can end up being a very unpleasant experience. In your case you could well end up doubling the misery (there is often pain for a few days after) as you will have to go to hospital to have the impacted one out anyway.

In hospital it won't cost you anything.

There is loads of stuff about wisdom teeth on the web (too much! - much of it about the US and other countries and some of it is crass scare stuff) here are a couple of useful NHS/British links - adding tiny short cuts if they don't open:-

In hospital you have a fair bit of say over what type anasthetic you have. You don't have to be put out if you don't want but I think a lot of people would go for general to have two out I think esp as one is impacted -those that don't have it for a big job often regret it. For general anasthetic some people go for I/V some have gas. My personal preference is for gas which is the "easiest" way I think but some people hate the idea of that (or have had it and don't like it).

Good luck wherever you have it and however you have it.
Reply:i had both my upper wisdom teeth removed by my dentist and i was perfectly fine!

i have 2 compound wisdom teeth in my lower jaw, they are growing forward as if pointing out of the front of my mouth. i have been told to leave them unless they become trouble but my dentist told me he can also remove those if needs be!
Reply:i'v never has a tooth pulled out,maybe baby teeth,but i think they just fall out. i would rather have the hospital pull out my teeth.

good luck mate,just think of Henry's goal against real madird when there pulling the rasckle out.
Reply:I had three wisdom teeth out today at my dentist's. I was given injections to numb the pain (Two top and one bottom). 9 hours later, the feeling is just about back in my mouth and I can speak properly again. I have only taken 1 ibuprofen - more for a headache than after-pain. The dentist used something in my mouth to move each tooth from side to side to loosen them and then pulled each one out. He packed the holes with swabs and about 10 mins later checked and as they had stopped bleeding, Sent me home with aftercare instructions and swabs in case the bleeding started again (it hasn't). For me, the worst bit was hearing the crunching sound as the tooth was moved from side to side prior to removal. Due to the local anaesthetic, there was no pain at all. The thought of extraction is far worse than the reality. I might wake up with a sore mouth tomorrow, but so far, it wasn't half as bad as I expected. If your dentist thinks it is straightforward, then let him take it out. My remaining wisdom tooth is impacted and still not broken through. The dentist had no reason to remove it.

Good luck. Honestly the thought is far worse than the actual event!

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Wisdom tooth removal?

I got both of lower back wisdom teeth removed a week ago , today I cant feel the left side of my tongue still a week later . they never had me sign an consent form , saying that you could have permanent to temp numbness in the chin /tongue I went back in for my weekly checkout they tried to get me to sign the consent form.. I said no way !!! you should of had me sign that before the operation , also the guy that says hes an oral surgeon is just a DDS my wisdom teeth were impacted they another dentist before said I need an oral surgeon , which this guy claimed to be , but wasn’t . when I looked him up .

So right now I’m still in pain and cant feel the left of my tongue which is numb like I got shot with Novocain right in it

someone else said i need to see an nuerologist to find out if i have perm nerve damage what do I do ?

Wisdom tooth removal?
There is nothing to do to make it go away faster, nor is there anything you can do to create further damage. Often in small framed women the numbness may resolve faster when the swelling decreases as the nerve to the lower jaw passes through one of the jaw muscles before it enters the bone, and swelling in this area can cause you to have a numb lip as well. Tingly itchy feeling is a good sign that it is resolving, but the next stage may be a period of sensitivity where cold things feel colder and hot things hotter on the effected side, and you may occasionally feel an "electric" tingliness which means the nerve is in its final stage of healing. Let the doc keep an eye on it with you.

Usually numbness after wisdom tooth removal affects only the lower jaw and lip area on the side of the extraction, not the whole side of the face. Thankfully numbness after wisdom teeth removal is rare, and when it does happen often will resolve itself within the first month or two. I hope you stay in touch with your doctor, and discuss with him what your options are available.

I hope this helped

Reply:It isn't normal to feel numb after 3-4 hours.
Reply:you should get testing done to see if it's permanent or temporary.

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Lower wisdom tooth removal a problem?

Im having my top widom teeth removed as there is no room and theyre wonky and stick into my cheek sometimes.

I have refused to have my bottom impacted tooth removed as there is a 1 per cent chance that surgery could hit the nerve and be left with perm numbness. I dont want to take this risk and having it out is a last resort.

My 4th wisdom tooth on my bottom jaw is missing. Im 32.

Anybody know of anybody who has had their bottom wisdoms out and had problems? They only do it as a last resort in the UK generally because of hte risk.

Lower wisdom tooth removal a problem?
Bottom wisdom teeth are more diffucult to remove as they root first before they grow. Top wisdom teeth do the opposite so they are fairly easy to remove. As far as the 1% chance of nerve damage goes, when I had my teeth out they damaged a nerve and I lost the feeling in a part of my tongue for about 3 years. It did eventually come back. I wouldn't be too concerned about it as the alternative is much worse and I wouldn't consider this "High Risk" surgery. It is very common in Canada, in fact most dentist here insist on taking them out even befor they break through the gum line just as a precaution. Your biggest threat right now is too leave that tooth and let it get infected, if it does you'll kill the tooth and end up having to get it out anyways. If your bottom teeth come in impacted and you don't remove them, you can end up loosing a lot more teeth. I won't lie to you, it's not a pleasant experience to go through but believe me when I tell you to bite the bullet and get them all taken out while the rest or your teeth are still healthy.

Good Luck!
Reply:I had all mine out with no problem and so did my husband. If they bother you, get them out! A 1% risk is NOTHING, unless you have a crappy dentist!

There is a higher risk that you could die tomorrow than having your jaw numb permanently, that is just silly.
Reply:I've had all my removed with no problems. Good luck!!
Reply:I had all four of mine taken out at same time but none of mine were impacted either. No big deal. Just make sure youre using an oral surgeon, not just a dentist. Huge difference!
Reply:I do know someone who had a problem with that. BUt i think her problem started when she chose her dentist. if you chose a dentist thats a profesional and knows what they are doing i think you should be fine. i have had all mine removed with no problemd. i think what you should be really worried about is getting an infection. there is a much more chance of you geting an infection then getting permanent numbness. if they bother you get them out.
Reply:Why remove a wisdom tooth? shows one reason. This is what can happen by the time you are 40 or 50 if you leave a wisdom tooth in place when it is impacted. The red arrows on the x-ray show the grey area that has decayed due to the wisdom tooth being present under the gum. The tooth shown is the exact same tooth shown in the x-ray, but turned so you can see the cavity. Food and bacteria can get down there and you can't clean it out. Eventually, it makes a cavity in the tooth next to the wisdom tooth and makes it so you have to have BOTH teeth removed.

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Post wisdom tooth extraction lump and pain?

I had two wisdom teeth on my right hand side pulled one week ago today. The bottom was badly impacted (literally horizontal) and so it was a pain for my dentist to pull. I was just under local anaesthetic

I have had continued pain since then (to be expected with such an impacted tooth), but I also still have swelling. Well, I'm not sure if it's just swelling or if it's a lump to be concerned about. It's hard to the touch, but not quite bone-hard. It's only on the lower portion of my jaw, and it's not as sensitive as the rest of my cheek to pressure. I also have pain radiating up to my ear, particularly at night and in the morning

I called my dentist today and was told that I should come in on Mon if it grows or becomes painful, but otherwise it wasn't anything to worry about. I went in 2 days ago because of the continued pain and the dentist then said everything looked normal (not my reg dentist as he's on vacation), but I can't open my jaw wide enough for them to see in easily

Post wisdom tooth extraction lump and pain?
Sounds like an infection and possibly a dry socket. Maybe you should try to see someone else to be evaluated and get a second opinion. If the swelling starts to conflict with your airway or goes up into your eye, you need to go to the emergency room!
Reply:I dont know if thats normal or not...I had all 4 of mine cut out at one time and I didnt have any problems like that....Maybe you need to see another dentist...


Wisdom teeth hurt what can I do?

They are impacted and pushing against other teeth. Causing the others to move a little. I was trying to wait till after Jan 1st

to get them out as I have used all my dental benefits for year.

I have taken some BC powder but not helping. It feels like someone squeezing my jaw. Any ideas to ease pain for a few weeks

Wisdom teeth hurt what can I do?
Clove oil is the best home remedy for toothaches. Even dentists use it. I found the information at useful
Reply:Try eating something cold, maybe ice cream or popsicles? I know it's not much, but it would probably ease the pain for a little bit.
Reply:lots of IB profen is the only thing that worked for me

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