Sunday, March 14, 2010

Help complications with wisdom teeth being cut out?

ok well i got my wisdom teeth cut out almost a week ago and my mouth started hurting really bad well all the stitches came out and then i felt in the back of my mouth and the surgeon left a piece of my tooth in my gum .... but the thing is they were all impacted they hadnt even started to come in .... the piece is really sharp and it hurts my mouth everytime i move it .. what should i do

Help complications with wisdom teeth being cut out?
That happened to me. I went back to the oral surgeon and I had dry sockets so I took antibiotics and he packed the holes with gauze soaked in clove oil. You can get clove oil at the drug store, ask the pharmacist. The clove oil feels like putting water on a flame.....the pain is gone for a couple of hours then you re-pack. I also had to use a syringe with warm salt water to irrigate the holes to keep them free of debris. As for the finally worked itself out enough for me to pull it out. All in all I was messing with the whole thing for about a month. Take Tylenol or ask the surgeon for something stronger. I know it is very painful......I hope you get some relief.
Reply:Call the dentist or oral surgeon and they will remove it. It happened with one of mine. Rather annoying but it is easily removed. It was no charge for me because it was a follow up.

skin cancer

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