Sunday, March 14, 2010

Wisdom teeth extraction?

Hello All!

I am just trying to figure out if everything seems to be going normally in my post wisdom tooth surgery recovery. I have been asking questions about it lately, I am a worrier so I appreciate the patience.

I am roughtly 84 hours past my surgery (all 4 impacted). At this point I am feeling stronger, less tired and 3 of my 4 sights are pain free. The one site that still hurting, it is about a 2 or 3 on a scale of 10 ( with no pain medication).

Is this normal? Am I past the dreaded dry socket threat? (Im a non smoker, not on birth control, keeping the teeth clean and doing the salt water thing)

Thanks for your answers.

Wisdom teeth extraction?
You sound right on track! I had mine removed at the hospital, all four were impacted. Nobody warned me about dry sockets, so I went all weekend in agony, thinking I was just going through the process like everybody else. Finally, on Monday, I called the dentist and went in. They stuck some gauze strips in the holes to keep the nerves from being exposed to the air. Problem solved.

You're lucky you were informed about what to expect. I doubt you'll get dry sockets at this stage cuz the holes are healing. If you get serious pain, you'll know what to do... go to the dentist immediately and have him take care of it. It works almost instantly!

Happy Healing!
Reply:i had a wisdom tooth extracted (not impacted). and it was awful. yours sounds way worse than what i had gone through. but sounds like you are comming along quite well. each site would heal differently. and if your pain is only 2 on a scale of 1-10, that's tolerable.

don't worry. keep doing what your doing.

Reply:don't worry ur doin' fine. I got a funny story 'bout when i got my wisdom teeth out. After i was done my parents helped me out to the car and apparently i told the secretary "thank you for inviting me i had a wonderful time." i can't remember though because i was so drugged up!
Reply:Just keep doing the salt water until all the pain is gone. Your on the right track. I had all four of mine done at the same time too.
Reply:I just got my wisdom teeth removed like 4 months ago.

I had some sort of pain for 1 week but it wasn't excruciating pain.

2 weeks after i got them removed they started swelling again so i went back to the surgery place and they told me it was infected and they popped my swollen cheek and they basically uninfected it. it wasn't that big of a deal.
Reply:You should be fine, as long as you keep up the oral care. Healing will take about 2 and a half weeks, but as long as you keep up the post surgical regimen, you should be free of any discomfort within 2 to 3 days.
Reply:OUCH! I remember having this done, and it has been a long time ago. I do not envy you one bit. However, your pain and discomfort will pass. If you do what your dentist told you to do about the care and procedures of keeping things out of the holes, etc. You should be fine. Take your pain medicine when forced to do so, but don't become reliable upon that. Most of us just learn to cope and deal with the pain. And... stop worrying. Did you know it is a sin to worry? It really is. You just make yourself more tense and anxious. Give your worries to God. He is up all night anyway. :%26gt;
Reply:The peak of post surgical pain is 24 hours after the surgery, so now that you have passed this peak, there is a little chance that your pain will get worse. To reduce the chance of dry socket I always tell my patients to do not produce a suction in their mouth for a week ( NO drinking from a straw, NO smoking, No spiting).

my cat

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