Sunday, March 14, 2010

Can wisdom teeth cause your ears to hurt as well?

I have four coming in, and the bottom two are impacted. I've been having some ear pain accompanying the pain, and left ear aches, and feels like it is full of water or something. The only thing that will relieve the ache is when I pull down on my earlobe. That's odd, I know. lol But anyway, so I know wisdom teeth can cause all kinds of complications, but was just wondering if ear aches were one of them? I was thinking about going to the doctor about my ear today because my tooth and ear were aching when I woke up this morning, but I don't really wanna go, especially if there's nothing they can really do about it. Anyway, thanks.

Can wisdom teeth cause your ears to hurt as well?
Absolutely!! Your upper wisdom teeth are very close to your sinus, which is connected to your eustachian tubes..

Your lower wisdom teeth are in your lower jaw which has one LARGE nerve running from the TMJ (jaw joint right by your ears) all the way to the midline of your bottom lip.

Sadly, there isn't much you can do for that pain except Ibuprofen products (Advil, Motrin, etc) which will relieve pain and take down any inflammation.

Good Luck!!
Reply:Yes!!! O my, when my wisdom teeth are pushing on my gums I get the worse ear pain in the world.
Reply:yes- I have has all 4 removed now but I remember the pain shoting up even in my ears.
Reply:definately. it can even cause your head to hurt. if it keeps on try tylenol or advil
Reply:Yes! Your wisdom teeth can absolutely cause ear pain. I used to have terrible problems- to the point that in order to go to sleep I had to put tremendous pressure on the area just behind my earlobe. I had my wisdom teeth pulled, pain went away. Trust me- the pain that you are or could potentially deal with is MUCH worse than just having your teeth pulled.
Reply:the mouth and ears are conected,if you have pain in one you will feel it in the other.
Reply:Yes!! It can make your whole face hurt!! Toothcaches and earaches are the worst-cause both hurt each other!! Feel for you!!

my bird

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