Monday, March 15, 2010

I am getting my wisdom teeth pulled...?

What does it feel like to be put under the anesthetic? does it feel like you blink and wake up?! im it reallly painful?!

i have to get them pulled because 3 are impacted..and i just got my braces off in november. so if i want to keep my teeth straight. i have to have them removed...

I am getting my wisdom teeth pulled...?
I got four wisdom teeth cut out a few days before thanksgiving a few years ago. The anesthetic wasn't painful at all, I don't even remember them putting the needle in, as soon as they did I was out. I don't remember waking up either.. I remember kinda stumbling out to the car. You hardly have any thoughts and you can't really feel anything.

I only took one of the pain pills they gave me (hydrocodone aka vicodin) and then took ibuprofen.

I don't think it is bad at all but don't suck out of a straw!
Reply:Get them pulled and ask for Vicodin! Vicodin is the best ever!
Reply:It's a pretty freaky feeling to be 'put under' but once you're knocked out you don't feel a thing. You don't feel anything when they're putting you under either. I felt a little bit of tingling in my arms and face but it's nothing you can't handle.

When you wake up it's a weird feeling and you're REALLY tired and groggy...almost like you're DRUNK!!

But it's really an ok experience. nothing to be scared of and it's not painful at all. The only pain you'll feel is a few hours later because your teeth had been pulled out. But the anaesthetic doesn't hurt.
Reply:I had mine removed also. Its more annoying than painful. The anesthetic is weird. Your more or less out instantly and wake up feeling kind of drunk for a while. Dont worry youll be fine
Reply:I had my wisdom teeth done while awake (of course with shots), and it wasn't bad.

I later had sinus surgery while under, and it was MUCH better. You fall asleep, feel and know nothing, and wake up. It didn't hurt me at all, I didn't even take the pain medicine.
Reply:i have to go in this thursday to get the rest of mine pulled you dont feel nothing but i suck afterwards!!i just want to get mine over with!!!
Reply:No. I had mine pulled at about 30 years old. It is quick and pain less. It will be uncomfortable for a while.You do not have to worry.
Reply:I am having mine done too!! =(

I don't know what it is like but I can tell you about anesthetic. First they will put an IV into your wrist, and then wheel you into the room where the surgery will take place. The anaethetist (spell?) will then come and inject anesthetic into your IV-it sometimes feels uncomfortable, and you can literally taste it before you pass out. You will start seeing a bunch of spots and then pass out within 5 seconds. When you wake up you will be very shakey-completely normal. I have heard that it is painful afterwards, but recovery time is different depending on the person. Good luck to you and me!

Hmmm why am I getting negative feedback? I have been under a million times in a million different cities and 2 different countries...I think I know what I'm talking about here...
Reply:Okay been in your situation and having the laughing gas calms you down and makes you feel a little sleepy. I would certainly ask the dental office where you are having them taken out if you can take some tylenol before hand so that you aren't in alot of pain and can keep it controlled. Some people have alot of swelling afterwards make sure you take the antibiotics if they give them to you. Eat real soft foods afterwards and if they tell you to swish after eatting do so.. Also try to avoid straws.. can take out the blood clots.

Good Luck I bet your teeth look awesome!!
Reply:If you're actually seeing an anesthesiologist they'll put you to sleep and you'll wake up without feeling the pain of the procedure, but you'll naturally hurt for a while after.

If they're just numbing it they put you on oxygen for a while and the only bad thing you feel is when they inject the numbing stuff which is just like a pinch on your gum. Then you feel all floaty and cool for an hour and you just have to deal with the numbness like from a cavity filling. :)
Reply:My story...I'll give you the short version. I walk in and sit in the chair. The put all kinds of heart monitors on me and start an IV. Then after chatting up the doctor a little bit he then walks over to my IV bag and says you're going to feel a little sleepy now to which I reply, "all right we'll see you later." The last thing I remember is the novacane shot inside my mouth. After that, nothing. In fact the next thing I remember after that is the nurse saying that we were done. And I was thinking, "huh, nothing happened yet." I was completely unaware that some two hours had passed. But sure enough, when I tried to sit up, I knew that something had just happened. I was in no pain at all. I was very groggy and needed help getting to and in the car. Bottom line, you have nothing worry about. It'll be over before you know it.
Reply:great question. i was put under anastectic last week.. for me. it was like this.

injection.. wake 10 seconds.. my throat kinda fet wierd.. i then said .. hey my throat is feeling funny. 5 seconds later i passed out. i dreamed of nothing. not one thought was processed thru my brain. i then woke up. i knew i passed out.

it was about 43 minutes for me.. i remember the time that the injection was injected into me.. about 12:14.. then in woke at 1:01 think of it like this.. remeber the time you get the injection, then when u wake. ask asap what time it is. your brain will put combine time+(the action that accured) together and you can remeber every thing that happened after the injection. it doesnt hurt, when you wake, you will just feel like you entered a mircosleep. for example......

if your really tired and you just cant keep you eyes open, you fall asleep so fast. OR you are getting ready for work and you lay in bed for a couple of seconds. then the next minute you 2 hours late for work/school.. its fast and you cant realy pin-point the axact time you fall into your trance. but u know axactly wut time you wake, cuse you consuois alerts ur brain that you are infact awake.
Reply:it doesn't hurt they just numbed my mouth really well it was numb for at least 6 hours. The sound of the teeth being removed was a little scary i felt no pain. My other wisdom had to be cut out and they just numbed my mouth again, no pain at all just a little discomfort the next couple days
Reply:Everything will be fine. I had mine pulled a year ago in January (bottom two impacted). Anesthesia was fine. You can talk to the nurse or whoever and you will barely remember going out. My boyfriend (who had his removed a couple of months after me) compares it to taking a nap in the afternoon. You fall asleep in front of the TV and wake up three hours later than you intended to. You might not even remember falling asleep. When they wake you up, you will be groggy for most of the day (had mine done in the morning and was out of it for most of the day).

As for pain relief (it's more of an ache than a sharp pain), remember to ice one side for 15 minutes and then ice the other side for 15 minutes. 15 on 15 off. That's what my oral surgeon told me to do. I suck with it for a couple of days and had minimal swelling. Could not even tell that I had them removed.

The ice along with prescription strength ibuprofen was all I needed for pain relief. Just follow the directions of the oral surgeon and you should be fine.
Reply:If you are really scared, you could request for "conscious sedation", normally this will help you feel relaxed and even drowsy before injecting the anesthetic, but you have to make sure that somebody is going home or drive for you after. The process of injecting itself is not really painful, it is after the anesthesia wears off , when you will feel the pain ( and also when paying the bills! ) , but normally this is avoided because pain relievers will be prescribed....

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