Sunday, March 14, 2010

Wisdom teeth?

Ok, I had my wisdom teeth taken out on the 29th of june, all 4 of them were impacted and had to be surgically removed. When on pain killers I didn't have any problems with the pain, but I went through a bottle of vicoden and a bottle of demerol an my mouth still hurts pretty bad. I'm still unable to eat any hard foods with out experiencing alot of pain. Is this normal?? How long does it usually take for the pain to subside after this surgery?

Wisdom teeth?
discomfort at this stage could still be normal, but it seems like they should have checked for dry sockets, does it hurt more when you suck air in? dry sockets should be packed, and relief is almost immediate. to need demerol seems radical, without an underlying cause like infection, or a dry socket, which given this amount of time, even a dry socket should have started closing up by now. Stay away from hard foods for a while longer, obviously. and yes it can take awhile for normality to resume, BUT as a dental assistant, I'm really shocked at the demerol thing, as a civilian, I doubt you would be given that by a normal oral surgeon. They should be looking for WHY in the heck you are in so much pain, and trying to correct the cause. Go BACK for more x-rays, and diagnosing............please.
Reply:it took me about two week i had vicoden. I would try to drink something cold to kinda numb it. If you still have a lot of pain after a few more days go back to the doctor. Also my doctor had me on ensure so i wouldn't lose to much weight and starve.
Reply:i would say its normal cuz it took my bro over a month for him to be back to normal...i get mine taken out in a couple of weeks so ill find out for myself but i would go back in just for a check up or at least call and speak with the dentist and express ur concern
Reply:I would make an appointment with your regular dentist...there could be some kind of infection. Do you have a follow up appointment with the surgeon or your dentist?

I had the same problem and my roots were wrapped around my jaw, but I was OK after about 5 days.

Good luck.
Reply:1. DO NOT SMOKE and avoid passive smoking

2. YOU MUST REST for at least a day, and avoid excessive exercise for 3-4 days. NSAID’s (like

diclofenac or piroxicam) can cause kidney problems when taken with vigorous exercise

3. TAKE ALL YOUR MEDICATIONS, follow the pharmacist’s instructions carefully, and commence

your anti-pain medications before your local anaesthetic wears off

4. ABSTAIN FROM ALCOHOL for at least a day

5. SOAK (but DO NOT RINSE) YOUR MOUTH AFTER 24 HOURS with your prescribed mouth

washes and salts. “Coffee hot” water (~38-40 degrees Celsius) mixed with a spoonful of

anaesthetic-laced-salt and allowed to “soak” over the surgical area can be very soothing. Only

use this method at least 24 hours after the procedure. Vigorous rinsing can lead to loss of

blood clot, and this in turn can lead to dry socket or wound breakdown. If you have been advised

to use nasal douche, commence this after 48 hours from your time of surgery

6. DO NOT EAT MILK PRODUCTS until your sutures are removed. Milk, custard, soy and yoghurt

can leave a film in your mouth that is difficult to clean without rinsing. Vigorous rinsing may lead to

wound opening and loss of clot. Long standing food residue can lead to wound infection

7. EAT SEMI SOLID OR LIQUID FOOD Beef broth, minestrone, noodle soups and blended fruit, or

you may purchase Enlive (Abbott) or Resource (Novatis) from the pharmacy. These have high

nutrition, are low in residue and are easy to swallow without chewing




2. MOST BLEEDING WILL STOP WITH FIRM BITING on a soaking material such as rolled gauze,

muslin square, or clean handkerchief over the site of the extraction socket, or surgical wound. Be

careful in placing your soaking material so as not to open a fresh wound

3. BE PATIENT, QUIET, AND CALM. Do not let the advice or experiences of others lead you to an

irrational action or panic. Lie down in a quiet room and wait for 30 minutes to reassess whether

bleeding has ceased. If bleeding continues, attempt sucking on an ice cube placed directly over

the area of bleeding, and then repeat firm biting on a soaking material

4. IT IS IMPORTANT NOT TO SPIT OR EXPECTORATE as this often stimulates more bleeding.

Try to swallow your saliva after you are sure that you are biting correctly on the rolled soaking

material you have placed over the socket


1. Take two Panadol or aspirin or follow the dosage instructions of the prescribed medication given

to you

2. With the use of paracetamol (Panamax, Panadol, Herron etc) take two tablets (1gm for adults, or

15mg/kg of body weight in children) every 4 to 6 hours
Reply:ok, i had mine pulled this morning, two were impacted, and the other two just had to be removed. and right now im fine, the vicoden is should be taken one pill at a time every 3 to 4 hours. and make sure you dont overdose bro, its not good, your mouth just hurts because your doing things to irratate it, if you are older and you work, i suggest taking a few days of work to just lay in bed and rest. as far as the pain, like i said, you are probably irratating it, also, the pain is perfectly NORMAL, although im not experiencing pain at all since this morning. but everyone is different, some people dont get pain at all, some get tons and the painkillers dont work, but even if they dont work, just sit it out, dont freak out and OD, sometimes the medicine doesnt work if you take hella at one time. well thats pretty much it bro, good luck, and dont worry, your normal, your not a freak cause your mouth hurts


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