Thursday, March 11, 2010

Wisdom teeth removal?

Ok so I have to have all 4 of my wisdom teeth removed on Tuesday because they are impacted, painful, and coming in the wrong way. Im choosing to be sedated through an IV. Has anyone else been sedated through an IV while having this done? How much pain were you in after the procedure was done and over with?? For how long? And what pain killers did they give you??

Any and all advice would be greatly appreciated. Im trying to put my mind at ease about having the procedure done because Im quite nervous about it so yeah..

Wisdom teeth removal?
I had 1 tooth removed with IV sedation last year and have 2 wisdom teeth scheduled for next month with IV sedation.

The first time, the pain was manageable afterwards with regular ibuprofen. This next time I expect it to be even less because the first time the tooth was infected and swollen.

The pain went away within 1-2 days. It was tender but NOT painful.

My doctor said to take 2-3 tabs of 200mg ibuprofen. He could have given me a prescription strength Motrin but that would have been for just 600mg of ibuprofen so it didn't make any difference if I took 3 tablets of 200mg of over-the-counter ibuprofen.

IV sedation was GREAT! I went in, they got me situated and the dentist said "This will take about 5 minutes"-- but I was out within seconds and next thing I knew it was done and I was awake. It's the best way to do it. I was alittle groggy afterwards but they make you rest for a while and slowly get to your feet.

Don't get too worried-- you'll be fine. Everything will be fine.
Reply:I had mine removed that way, and while they gave me pain meds, I only took advil and felt fine. Remember to gargle with salt water after every time you eat, until the gums heal.
Reply:I had my wisdom teeth pulled that way and so did my daughter. One minute you are in the chair just prior to the procedure and the next thing you know, you are waking up and your teeth are out. Both of us did have some pain, my daughter more than me for some reason. I was given Darvocet which worked great for me. It did not seem to make me too sleepy and did take care of the worst of the pain. My daughter was given Tylenol 3 and it did not work for her at all. She was then given Darvocet and she had good luck with that and it too took care of the worst of the pain. I was pretty uncomfortable the day following surgery, but followed the doctors directions to the letter and the pain began to subside soon thereafter. My daughter had a bit more of a problem and was in some pretty significant pain for about 3 days after the surgery. Like I said, the Darvocet takes away the worst of the pain, but not all. Having the teeth taken out and putting up with a few days of pain is much preferable to having impacted, infected teeth. Then you really get into trouble and the pain can be almost unbearable. Just follow the post-surgery instructions from your doctor and if you feel something is not right after the surgery, call immediately and advise the doctor. They have dealt with pretty much all aspects of problems following mouth surgery and will be able to help you out.

car makes

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