Sunday, March 14, 2010

Getting my wisdom teeth removed?

I'm getting all four wisdom teeth removed, three of them are like completely sideways and one is impacted. Is the procedure gonna suck? Do I have to be sedated, or can they just use Novocaine. Because I'm not too comfortable about being knocked out during the procedure.

Getting my wisdom teeth removed?
I had all 4 of my wisdom teeth removed about 5 years ago. All they gave me was novicane injections and a lot of them. I have very sensitive nerves in my face. If you have a good dentist, you should be able to get a choice to either have the novicane or being knocked out.

The dentist should have also said something about surgery or unhinging your jaw if the teeth placement was very bad...he/she would have explained that when you made the appointment to have them removed.

You will get gauze padding to help soak up the blood after in the sockets and a piece of paper explaining things to do after having them removed.

Don't sweat the procedure. I used to have an insane fear of dentists until this last year or so and getting my wisdom teeth pulled was the first time I'd had to have any teeth pulled. It is not as horrible as it sounds as long as you listen to the dentist and follow the advice given.

For 3 days you may be sore after the procedure, and your food choices are limited somewhatly...soup is good, you can also have milkshakes if you use a spoon. Dry socket is painful from what I've heard and the dentist will explain that too, so don't drink anything out of a straw for awhile.
Reply:U dont have to be sleep, it depends how difficult it is to take them out. u may feel some discomfort afterward but it is painless during the procedure.

Reply:Go for the knock will be way more comfortable. Be brave and it will all be over soon. Take care.
Reply:Same thing happened to me. They had to put me completely under, cut through my jaw muscle to unhinge my jaw, shatter the teeth and pull them out in pieces. I don't remember any of it. I noly know because they told me.

I couldn't eat for days and I had bruising from my jawline down my neck and into my chest.

My friends also told me I hallucinated as a result of the anaesthetic, but I do not remember any of that either.

So really, it was not so bad. Just expect to be sucking soup through a straw for a while.
Reply:You really do want to be knocked all the way out. That's a big surgery. You will need someone to take you home after. The procedure won't suck because you'll be knocked out and on pain medication. You will need pain medication for the few days after, too. And listen, when they say no smoking or using straws, they mean it. You really will give yourself big problems with "dry socket" if you do, it's not just b.s.
Reply:I got my wisdoms taken out under just local anesthesia (lidocaine injections), and I was awake the whole time. 2 impacted lowers and 2 normally-erupted uppers. No pain during the procedure, but lots of crunching noises. Soreness after the anesthetic wears off, but it was easy to manage with painkiller pills like Advil.

I think you will be fine.

Good luck!
Reply:you will most definitely want to be knocked out. Is there even an option to stay awake? It isn't a big deal at all. Nothing hurts for a while after. You'll be tired a lot. Then you'll have sore, puffed up cheeks with the feeling like you were punched in the jaw, not too intense though.

I had 6, yes 6, impacted wisdom teeth, the lower right side got infected, but cleared up right away.

Don't fret about it!
Reply:it will suck a golf ball through a garden hose, u dont have to be sedated, but even with novacane, it will blow balls, sorry man
Reply:I had three removed at once with novocaine. they weren't sideways but they were cavities. All I felt was dressure when he was pulling and stuff. I have also had two other teeth removed that were pretty bad and all I needed was the novocaine. just make sure you get drugs for after:)
Reply:The procedure isn't gonna suck. The next few days after is definitely gonna suck! I had my bottom right wisdom tooth out last Wednesday and it still feels like I had it out yesterday. I had to have a few stitches too. Thank god I don't have to go through that again as Ive had the rest of them out too.

It's up to you whether you want sedation or not. I chose not to bother because I had no-one to pick me up. But if you have someone going with you, I would definitely suggest you have the sedation. I hope you're not having them all out at once either. If you are I'm afraid you're definitely gonna need time off work/ school.

I hope it goes well. Poor you ((( BIG HUGS)))
Reply:If you don't mind hearing all the crushing of bone and pulling and tugging, then Novocaine is enough to kill the pain. If I were you I'd get knocked out, definitely.
Reply:You will be completely knocked out and youll be thank full.I had that done and now no more head aches.And youll be thank full after you heal up.
Reply:I don't know!!! I will let you know though cuz I have to go Friday to have 2 of my wisdom teeth taken out. Both of them are on the right side of my mouth. The top one is halfway through, but the one on the bottom is barley sticking out!!! There is no room for that one to come through!!! I'm a little worried about it myself. I'm having someone take me anyway %26amp; I'm going to tell him that I want the nitrus!! I will let ya know next week how my visit went. Good Luck with yours!!!!
Reply:You will not have to be sedated for the procedure, if the dentist is good he will make sure you will not feel anything just pressure during the removal. Naturally there will be some pain, and swelling for a while, after the procedure. But if all goes well after A week or so you will be back to normal They will write you A pain relief prescription, sometimes you have to ask for it, don't be afraid to ask for one!

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