Sunday, March 14, 2010

Wisdom teeth pulled?

I went to the dentist today. I'm 18, both my top wisdom teeth have erupted but the bottom ones won't 'cause they're rotated and impacted. He said I have to go to a orthopedic surgeon to have the bottom ones removed and they're going to pull the top ones too to avoid problems. How do they pull them? How bad does it hurt? How long does it take to heal? I'm kinda scared, I hever had fillings, let alone teeth pulled :(

Wisdom teeth pulled?
Honestly, the anesthetic hurts more than pulling the teeth. They numb you up and then pull the teeth with pliers (medical ones) They give you pain killers most of the time. I think they were all healed up within the week.
Reply:you're completely asleep when they do it
Reply:They basically give you novocaine a cut through your gums.
Reply:If they are not impacted, it's not bad at all. You can even drive yourself home.

The oral surgeon can use a variety of anesthetics.

There almost certainly will be local injections, (benzocaine, novacaine, or some other "freeze.)

A general anesthetic ranging from gas, (nitrous oxide aka laughing gas,) which will leave you awake but unaware; to total anesthesia, (you are totally asleep for the procedure, usually with an IV in your arm.)

Also the process of anethesia may well involve some kind of "don't worry be happy" drug. Something to reduce your anxiety and tension. This could be a pill, or injected into the IV tube.

The procedure involves making an incision in the gum, and extracting the tooth. The resulting empty socket is packed with medicine soaked gauze. This gauze will eventually fall out and either be spit out or swallowed.

Recovery is normally quite easy.

Eat only liquids for about a day, soft foods for a day or two, and avoid hard crunchy things like popcorn and nuts for about 2 weeks. Don't use straws or drink carbonated beverages. Certainly you will get complete instructions from the surgeon, so no worries there.

Take pain medication as prescribed if you are uncomfortable.

My personal recollection from when I was 19 is that there was practically no pain at all. I had local "freeze" injections, and gas, and headphones tuned to my favorite music.

I drifted off so far that I did not realize I was closing my mouth on the surgeon's hand. He was smiling when he told me it was a bad idea to bite him while he had sharp things in my mouth. He put a rubber block in my mouth to keep it open. At the time I remember thinking that I must look like a rattlesnake trying to eat a rabbit, but I was still getting the gas, so what the hell.

Afterwards I was taking the Tylenol-Codeine that was prescribed. After a day or so I would take one pill just before bedtime.

There was no pain per se, just aching in the hinge of my jaws. Again, that visual image of a rattlesnake swallowing this really big, fat bunny. lol.

After a few days I didn't even notice that I had been through the procedure.
Reply:They numb the nerves in your mouth when they do the operation. It does not hurt until the sedatives wear off, and after they do wear off, you only feel like something is missing. It just irritates you a bit like a nagging brother. Just ice it, it'll all be over before you know it.
Reply:chances r you will be gassed up, dont sweat, i jus had surgery on the inside of my neck to remove a growth attached to my adams apple, ewww freaky, they put me to sleep, 1,2,3 i woke up
Reply:w3ll it does hurt alot but some ppl dont have to take theirs off but in ur condition u have to0o no matter what just be strong i always liek close my eyes and think of good stuff or i count to like 20 or something n not think about it . i have wisdom teeth still but thats another story lol.. Just go on with the procedure u'll be fine iitl prob take like 2 or 3 weeks to heal and ur gonna be asleep so0o just sit tight n relax
Reply:you will go to an oral surgeon, they will put you to sleep, I had mine out, it didn't hurt much at all. They will give you good pain meds. So don't worry.
Reply:You'll be asleep. When you wake up you'll be doped up on drugs. You might get sick (vomit). You'll feel better in a couple of days.
Reply:When mine were pulled, I was put completely under. They used a drill to break the teeth up and remove the pieces. It doesn't really hurt but you will be uncomfortable for a few days. If you'd had braces, it's kinda like that kind of pain. Healing takes a while but you are still functional. You'll probably get a prescription for some really good pain medication!!

Don't be scared, it's very common. The surgeon will discuss everything in detail with you as each case is different and what one person experiences will not be the same as what another person experiences.
Reply:I had all 4 pulled at once. The ortho surgeon usually puts u to sleep and you dont feel a thing. You're groggy when you wake up so someone will drive ya home. I took pain pills the day after surgery and thats it. It was uncomfortable to eat and my jaws were sore for a few days but it was not near as bad as people made it out to be. Just watch out for dry sockets. Care for your 'wounds' just like they say or trouble could come down the road. Good luck!
Reply:They might put you under. You will need someone to drive you to and from the dental office. Doesn't really hurt because you're doped up and speaking jibberish. It's a possibility they played with my butthole while I was asleep.

You should take 2-3 days off from any social appearances because your face will swell up all goofy-like, and it will be difficult to open your mouth to eat anything besides crackers for a day or two. Besides that, good luck!

Three days after you should be getting back to normal.
Reply:It sucks but it's no a huge deal usually. They will give you pain meds here is a recipes I make for times like this. It will take about a week to get back to normal but you should be up and about in a day.

Make this ahead of time or have someone make it for you.

Link below.
Reply:Wisdom Teeth are totally different than any other teeth in your mouth...they are deeply impacted or rooted at times the dentist needs to pull it (not all the way) then press it, (rocking it) putting pressure on it in all directions to loosen it, etc...then finally pull it out....this leaves allot of pressure type pain, when removed. (large holes that need to clot) or you get what they call "dry socket" lots of pain'll be in LaLa
Reply:Okay I only had two, the top to, and mine had come through, I guess like yours. They will numb you up so it doesn't hurt. Tell them to give you the shots really slow and it won't hurt. They don't really pull them out, they kinda pry them out. I felt some pressure but no pain. After they will fill the hole with cotton and you keep it there for a few hours, replacing it with wet cotton when needed. There is some blood. You shouldn't use a straw or suck on anything for a while. They should give you a list or something with what you should and shouldn't do. I think it took a few weeks to heal fully, but it happens fast. The bottom ones they will put you to sleep for. They cut them out, and if they are infected there will be a lot of pain. I would call and talk and see if you can go into the office once before and have them explain to you what they will do. Good luck!
Reply:I am sure you mean the oral surgeon. You can be given sedation (sleep) to have the procedure done. They will need to make an incision in the gums and remove a little bone to get the teeth out. They will put stitches in as well. The top ones need to come out because they will drift downwards and can be problematic. You will be given pain killers after the procedure. The first few days are the worst. The soft tissue will heal in about 2 weeks, and the bone fill takes about 4 months. After a week or so, it will feel normal.
Reply:I had all of mine pulled and I was scared too.It was a short procedure(about 45 min.)and they were all out.Once the novacain wore off it hurt a little.The gave me a percription for codene and I only took 1 or 2 and then I was fine.I really don't know how they pulled them because I kept my eyes shut and I didn't want to see any thing.

I hope this helps you a little bit.

Reply:As a rule, an oral surgeon removes wisdom teeth, especially when they're impacted. More than likely you'll be sedated and put to sleep before they start the procedure. When you wake up, you'll be kinda groggy, but you shouldn't be in much pain. To be on the safe side, ask you doctor for a prescription for a pain reliever before you leave. Make sure to follow aftercare instructions to avoid unnecessary pain and problems. Good luck
Reply:I had all four of my wisdom teeth surgically removed before they erouted or got impacted, because my dentist knew they would become a problem if I waited....

I don't remember much, it was a while ago, but I think I was only out of commission for like a week... got a pretty hefty prescription for pain meds....had to eat soft food, no carbonated drinks, couldn't suck on straws or Popsicles( it would cause dry sockets by removing the blood that filled in the holes where the teeth were) it takes a while for the bone to fill in the holes from the teeth or roots.... and if they have already come in I think they use a drill to cut the teeth out.. I don't think they literally pull them out cause that would cause unnecessary trama to your mouth.... well have fun
Reply:Hey I just had 2 of my wisdom teeth out this summer. I'm 19.

I was so scared before I had mine out! But, it ended up being a lot better than I thought.

The anesthesiologist I had was actually really calming. I was shaking whenever I came in, but he helped a lot. He talked to me about music, and put me to sleep in a really peaceful manner. I don't even remember any of the surgery. The weirdest part is coming out of the anesthesia, because your mouth is completely numb and you're a little bit disoriented, but, not in a bad way. I was particularly smiley for some reason. haha. It honestly doesn't hurt that bad, especially if you're consistent w/taking your meds. It will feel more achy than anything else. Just make sure you follow your doctors instructions on when to use cold pressure, and when to use hot pressure. Oh, and don't use straws for at least a week! They could pull out your stitches. Take at least 3 days off from everything, and just relax in bed. As far as the holes go, mine took about a month to completely heal up. But, it's different for everyone.

But anyways, if your teeth aren't through the surface, they'll cut a hole to get to them. And, in that case, those tooth holes might take a little longer to heal. But, overall, you'll feel pretty achy for a few days. I recommend taking ibuprofen along with whatever medicine they prescribe because it acts as an anti-inflammatory and you won't feel as swollen. Biting on teabags helps too. It stops the bleeding. Just make sure you get plenty of rest, and try to avoid moving as much as you can. You'll heal much faster! It's really not as scary as it sounds! People bring you slushies and ice cream. =)

Good luck! You'll be fine.


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