Monday, March 15, 2010

How long should i wait after i have my baby to get my wisdom teeth surgically removed?

I was supposed to get them out like a year and a half ago, but i couldn't afford the $1500. Now that i have insurance i would like to get them out asap. They are killling me! They are impacted and one of the roots is in my sinus. And it is affecting my TMJ. So the sooner the better, i just don't know how it will be with a new baby, and i know they wont cut my teeth out while i am pregnant. any advice?

How long should i wait after i have my baby to get my wisdom teeth surgically removed?
I would get them done as soon as you can after the baby is born. You can do it when the baby is about a month old. Then it will be on a schedule and you will be able to follow that routine. I think that it wuld be best to do it then. Don't think that the dentist won't pull them when you are pregnant, they were gonna take mine out when I was 7 months along, but I refused and got it done later when she was born. There are some crazy dentists out there.

But 2 of mine were impacted and the other 2 were out of the gum. I only got the 2 out of the gum removed as if I am put under it is hard to get me awake. I waited for the other 2 to come out of the gum and when they did my mouth was able to accommodate them and they are still in my mouth today and are not causing any pain or problems. The bottom teeth got crunched and became crooked, I want to get braces, but it is hard to afford and most insurances do not cover it.
Reply:Will you be nursing? That will make a difference in how long you have to wait to feed breastmilk to get the medicine out of your body. I would call the Dentist they will know.,
Reply:You may want to wait awhile after the baby is born, at least a month or so. I know when I had my wisdom teeth out all I did was sleep for 2-3 days. It wasn't necessarily an excruciating pain, more like an uncomfortable one.
Reply:when you are ready to do ...are you breast feeding ...if not anytime after baby comes
Reply:Talk to your doctor and the oral surgeon, they can tell you better than anyone. I was not pregnant, but after I had my done, I was no good for about 3 days. Of course I had mine done in the afternoon and then came home and slept. I know one of the rules for getting them done is that a friend or family member has to be present to drive you home. So if you are going to be breast feeding you may want to wait until you get the baby on formula.
Reply:you will have to talk to your doc cause there are many different situations
Reply:You'll be soooo incredibly sore afterwards. You won't be able to eat solid foods for a few days, and hot foods hurt. Talk to your doctors(ob and dentist) about the effects the drugs that get used could have on you, and baby if you're breastfeeding. You may have to pump and build up a supply, in case there are any negative side effects, to feed baby with.Then you'll have to pump and dump the effected milk to keep your supply up. Have lots of protein shakes, and soups to eat(I even ate baby food when I had mine removed). Anyways, to answer your question, I say make the appointment when you feel better. Having your teeth pulled after giving birth will seem like a breeze.

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