Monday, March 15, 2010

Has there ever been anyone who has had there wisdom teeth out and the holes never closed up?

I had my wisdom teeth pulled on Friday. IT was a simple extraction, none of them were impacted and they just popped right out. I still have clots and very large holes with no signs of any healing going on. How long do they usually take to heal? and has there ever been a case where someone never healed up after wards?

Has there ever been anyone who has had there wisdom teeth out and the holes never closed up?
You didn't say how old you are but that determines two things: 1. How quickly you heal and 2. The amount of defect left after the healing. This is really soon to expect to be seeing any signs of healing as the extraction areas heal from the sides and bottom. It is a good thing that you still have the clots in there as they are protecting the healing process. You will have holes when the clots eventually dissolve and these holes will eventually fill in [again, how much depends on your age]. If food gets caught in the holes while they are filling in, see if you can get a plastic syringe to fill with water to clean them out......a water pik also works for this but I wouldn't buy one just for that. In any case, don't be squirting anything down those holes until at least 10 days goes by. Hope this helps!
Reply:They are called "dry sockets", and yes there are cases where they haven't closed up, a quick trip to an Oral Surgeon will fix it right up.
Reply:Hey there.

Yep, i had two teeth pulled but not wisdom teeth and they took forever to heal.

I went back to the dentist cause of the pain and he said i had a DRY SOCKET and i had to stuff cotton wool pieces into the hole with i think its tee-tree oil on it,wow that stuff rely burns but after a minute or so it was a relief.

go back to your dentist.
Reply:ide say at least a month to feel it healing and sometimes the hole remains ;just hardens in that area


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