Thursday, March 11, 2010

Wigging OUT!!! Wisdom teeth style?

I'm getting my wisdom teeth out on saturday. And i am freaking out. Will i be able to go out on sunday, and go to school monday. And does it really hurt as much as people say. My top teeth are fine but my bottom are impacted into my 2nd molars. like honestly worst case scenario. How much is it gonna hurt. And what should i tell my mom to buy to eat??

Wigging OUT!!! Wisdom teeth style?
RELAX! It's not that big of a deal! Yes, you will be sore for a few days. You might want to take Monday off because you will probably still be taking pain meds and those can make you tired and loopy. You will have to keep gauze in your mouth for awhile, so you might not want to eat. (you cant eat if you have gauze in your mouth anyway) For the first day, don't eat anything hot! Heat causes more blood flow, making it harder for the bleeding to stop and clots to form. Only eat things that are cold. DO NOT DRINK THROUGH A STRAW! So, eat things like ice cream (no shakes!!!!!) pudding, and jell-o the first day. After that, eat what you can tolerate because like I said, you will be sore. And honestly, worst case scenario, you could end up with a broken jaw. It's not that common, but it has been known to happen. Your doctor will explain everything including risks before you have the teeth pulled. Good luck!
Reply:okay.. i had all four of mine out at once! it was HELL! do not plan on going anywhere the next few days! it is VERY painful! and i only say few because its just 2 you are getting! i got 4 and couldnt work for a week and a half! you cant drink or smoke or hardly open your jaw enough to talk right! or even eat! i lived of of kfc mashed potatoes! LOL if you want to go out the next day now.. belive me when it happens you will change your mind. its pretty damn painful even more if they are impacted! impaction sucks because there is more of a chance of them hitting that nerve that can make your lips or gums go numb for months or years or forever. lets just say my bottom one was impacted and after the numbness from the surgery went away i still felt numb in my lip. thats just a chance you have to take. its been almost 2 years and its still tingly! not to scare you but just know these things before hand. Its different for everyone but i suggest taking it day by day! GOODLUCK!
Reply:I would not recommend making plans for the few days after. It will be very uncomfortable, not really painful as long as you take your medicines the dentist gives you and like alternate it with advils or something so you don't feel too dopey. I had all my wisdoms pulled at once, and the most important thing is to take care of them after so you don't get dry socket~it is an EXTREMELY PAINFUL infection in the extraction site. As far as what to eat, get yogurts and stuff that is super soft, and when you eat gently put some gauze pad over the holes. But BE CAREFUL, no drinking through a straw or any sucking motions because you could pull out the blood clots and then you'll be hurting a little. Just be careful and take it easy for a few days. I was up and running after mine after a few days, but don't rush it. You'll know when you're better.

family nanny

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