I am 19 years old and have had pain off and on for the past two years with my wisdom teeth. I went to the dentist today for my 6 month cleaning and had x-rays done. i asked my dentish if i should get my wisdom teeth removed or if i should just let them grow in. he told me i could get them out if i wanted to . i then asked if i let them come in wouldn't they make my teeth croocked. he said no people just think that happens from having their wisdom teeth but instead its from aging. If i am 19 my teeth should not just magically move because i'm getting older. he referred me to an oral surgeon. waht are the pro's and con's of keeping/getting rid of these teeth if they are not impacted and have not yet broken through the gum?
Should i or shouldn't i get my wisdom teeth out ?
I had mine removed at the age of 20, and it was so much better than I expected. I was given an IV sedation, so I slept through the 35 minute surgery. The next day I swelled up a lot and just ate soup and drank a lot of gatorade. I took Lortab for the pain and swelling. It only lasted a few days. It's so much better now that they're gone. Before, I was getting headaches because my mouth would hurt so bad from the wisdom teeth coming in. For me, having them removed was the best thing I could have done. I guess it depends on what your dentist wants you to do. If he's referring you to an oral surgeon, he obviously thinks having them removed is the best thing. Good luck! And don't worry, it's not that bad! I promise!
Reply:Get them out, because it isn't true that the wisdom teeth coming in will not affect your other teeth. I had brace work done, so in my early 20's, I had beautifully straight teeth.
Then my wisdom teeth started to emerge.They weren't impacted, either, so I did not get my wisdom teeth out when my dentist gave me a "choice".
Well, they came in and pushed the other two teeth next to them out of alignment and they buckled inward.
It actually changed my "bite" because the teeth moved so much. I got them out in my late 30's (they are easier to remove, in general, when you are young, because the roots can gnarl years after coming in).
and I really regret not getting them removed in my early 20's.
Reply:Yes,you should get your wisdom teeth out because you would have more pain in the future.Trust me It hurts more having them to grow in,then to talking out.
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