Thursday, March 11, 2010

I had my wisdom teeth out. Any suggestions?

I got my wisdom teeth out about 3 hours ago. (They were impacted)...

Does anybody have any suggestions on how to care for my mouth so it'll heal correctly/quickly?

I know that I can not rince my mouth today. And that I'm supposed to begin rincing tomorrow with salt water.

Any other suggetions?

Also, the dentist said to expect some blood today. There is blood on the gause (they said keep the gause in the mouth...gave me clean gaues to change it and all that good stuff..)... Do you know how long the bleeding will last?

I had my wisdom teeth out. Any suggestions?
When I got mine pulled I found drinking tea helped with the healing. If you do not mind the taste of raw tea, you can put a tea bag between your gum and the cheek. Just remember to make sure that you keep the sockets moist. Dry sockets are bad! Also, do not drink using a straw and if you smoke, make sure that the sockets are covered with something.
Reply:Bleeding should stop by tomorrow. But, if it doesn't or gets worse them back immediately. Just rest today. Continue changing your gauze. Remember to take it out to eat--eat only very soft foods--and things that won't get caught in the hole. In case they didn't mention this to you....salt water is great....but NEVER use anything containing hydrogen peroxide. It will destroy the new tissue growth at the surgical site. Products containing HP are ok when you have a healthy mouth, but never when you are healing from surgery.
Reply:Dont lift anything heavy, dont suck through a straw, dont smoke anything. Try not to drink or eat anything to sugary. Dont play with it with your tongue!! Just rinse with salt water and try not eat anything to meaty or with pieces that will get stuck in your teeth
Reply:Pray for more wisdom to know exactly what to do.
Reply:i had mine out yesterday. once i left, the dentist said to take out the gauze out in 30 minutes and not to put more in cause if u put more in, you can disrupt the clot that is forming and get dry socket. which isnt fun! umm just eat soft foods, like mashed pototoes and no carbonated drinks. in my istructions it said its ok to have bleeding as long as it isnt a lot. give it a day, it should be fine. just dont over do it and eat hard stuff!


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