Friday, November 6, 2009

Wisdom teeth to be extracted...?

I'm supposed to have my 2 lower wisdom teeth extracted because they are impacted. If they put me to sleep how long is the actual process? And is it a SERIOUSLY safe method to removing wisdom teeth? I'm nervous and don't handle dentist/surgeons well.

Wisdom teeth to be extracted...?
I've had mine done. I don't think the procedure takes very long if you are out. Maybe 10 - 15 minutes each. If you don't like the dentists it's the only way to go. I had no pain after the operation and it healed up very nicely.
Reply:when i had mine done, it seemed like as soon as i went to sleep i woke up and it was over. Dont be afraid, it wasnt that bad at all. Just make sure not to drink from a straw or smoke after the surgery or youll be sorry.
Reply:I am getting 2 extracted tomorrow and I will be put to sleep. Dont think you will know how long the process since you will be alseep. I guess the only one that will know is your loved one who will be waiting for you to take you home. Good luck!
Reply:The oral surgeon has alot of great instruments to take your impacted wisdom teeth out safely and quickly. You will probably be put to sleep for 30-45 minutes at the most and you will not feel any pain. It is only natural to be scared because you don't know what to expect but you will do just fine. Make sure that you do not drink from a straw or smoke after the surgery. You don't want to do anything that involves suction because you can remove the blood that has clotted in the extraction site and that will cause a dry socket. A dry socket is when the blood that has clotted is removed and the bone will then be exposed which is very painful. Good Luck!


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