Sunday, October 11, 2009

How long was your lip numb after wisdom teeth removal?

I had all 4 wisdom teeth removed 2 weeks ago. My lower right side of lip is still numb. The wisdom tooth was impacted, it was a difficult extraction. Anyone else numb for a long period of time???

How long was your lip numb after wisdom teeth removal?
I'm a dentist.

First off, I'm assuming that it's just one half (i.e. left or right) of your lower lip that is numb. Second, that same half of your chin should be numb with it.

The imortant question here is "how numb". Is your lip completely numb, or is it partially numb and producing a "tingling" sensation? Has there been any improvement?

It sounds like you had an injury to either the right or left inferior alveolar nerve, which is a standard risk of extracting lower molars, especially bony-impacted wisdom teeth.

The question is, how severe was the damage to the nerve. If it was simply a crush-type injury where the nerve was bruised, it should improve over weeks, possibly months. If the nerve was severed, healing will be limited at best.

Regardless, you need to go back to the doctor and have him/her evaluate you. Sometimes additional treatment may be necessary (or can be performed) to help restore nerve function (depending on the type of injury).
Reply:I was numb and high as a kite for the first day. It started to hurt the next day. Have you gone back to the doctor?
Reply:Not nearly as long as the dentists lip who tried to extract the tooth before the novacaine kicked in.
Reply:I got all mine out at ones and i didn't get all the feeling back into my bottom lips for 10 days
Reply:There is a nerve running along the mandibular (lower) jaw which can be disturbed when removing lower 3rd molars.

I had mine removed when I was 35, the nerve was damaged, and feeling has never completely come back. It's a rare, but deffinite risk associated with impacted lower wisdom teeth.

I have a spot about the size of a quarter with nothing but a slight tingling of feeling. Sometimes I have to check to make sure I don't have food clinging there when I'm out to eat. Other than that, it is annoying, but hasn't really impacted my life.

Two weeks isn't long enough to worry about. If you still don't have feeling after two years, you might never regain the feeling.
Reply:Just give the points to Nebula D.

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