Friday, October 23, 2009

Top wisdom teeth extraction.?

I already have both of my bottom wisdom teeth extracted. They were impacted so it was hard for the dentist to get out, and it took a week to heal. I am going to get my top unimpacted wisdom teeth extracted soon. I heard they are a lot easier to extract and heal faster. Is that true?

Top wisdom teeth extraction.?
at the same conditions (I mean both lower and upper teeth are impacted or not), upper teeth are much easier to extract. I am a dentist and i usually prefer to extract the upper ones, and that is because of the consistency of the bones. upper jaw is made of spongy bone but lower jaw is much more dense
Reply:for me it was so i say yes
Reply:I have never heard that. I had the bottom out in the hospital,, the top in the dentists office, and they all healed the same.
Reply:You should go to an oral surgeon rather than a regular dentist. They are better equipped to do this type of work.
Reply:it makes sense that the top, if not impacted, will be easier to remove but I think working on the top is a bit harder for the dentist

my dentist showed me an x ray once and said i hope we never have to removed that tooth - see how the roots are crossed?

I am a chicken - i requested that I be put out - the picture alone scared me cluck cluck cluck
Reply:Usually, yes, they are easier to remove and often times heal faster because your cheeks cover them up.
Reply:Top ones come out very easy. Alot easier than lowers. The top bone is not as dense. You heal in no time.
Reply:95 times out of 100, the uppers are much easier, especially once they are visible in the mouth. Usually, the patient can't believe the tooth is out already when I tell them to bite on the gauze. There is much less incidence of dry socket with uppers, also.

The major risk is a sinus involvement or a curved root that does not show on the x-ray, which is only a 2-dimensional picture of your 3-D tooth. These fall into the 5 out of 100 times there are problems, though, so don't lose any sleep over the possibilities. Just expect that you'll be one of those people who has no trouble at all.
Reply:go a head and even take both of them out. unimpacted upper third molars are very easy to take out. you will not feel anything but pressure. hope that is helpful

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