Friday, October 23, 2009

White film on the incision sites after wisdom tooth removal?

I got all 4 bony impacted wisdom teeth out on Tuesday (yesterday). I'm really swollen and so bruised that I look like I have a blue beard! lol! Anyway, now I have some white crap lining the inside of my cheeks near the incision sites (like right in the little cracks where the stitches are and surrounding that area). I think it is normal (like when you bite the inside of your cheek and it heals and gets a white layer of a skin-like substance over it), but I'm not sure. I'm on antibiotics, so it probably isn't infected, but it also could be yogurt/pudding. Only when I rinse with saline, it doesn't come off which is why I thought it was something physiological and not food. So is this normal? What is it?

Also, how thoroughly should I be brushing my teeth? Will it hurt the incision sites if some toothpaste accidentally washes back there? I try to keep it from doing that, and then I rinse with the saline after I brush my front teeth (I'm not going near the back with a brush!).

White film on the incision sites after wisdom tooth removal?
It's not infection. It's basically what a scab looks like in the mouth. Rinse with warm salt water. By next week, things will be improving and your blue beard should be a nice golden brown. The white will still be there, so don't try to scrape it off. Normal stuff. Good'll never have to have wisdom teeth out again.

Oh, and don't worry about the toothpaste. Scrub around the teeth back there with a dry Q-tip. That'll help to keep the plaque levels down

hair talk

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