Friday, November 6, 2009

I'm 29 and I still have my wisdom teeth. Why should I bother pulling them?

One of the four is close to erupting the surface of the gumline back there so there is a possibility of cavity issues. Fine I can accept that, otherwise, that one plus the other three are slammed angularly against the adjacent molars and are not bothering me. I say just keep filling in the cavity prone wisdom tooth. Also, as I am getting older the wisdom teeth are becoming more and more impacted to my jaw bone making extraction a dangerous procedure in terms of nerve damage. I enjoy knowing that if I bite my tongue accidentally I'll stop before it gets gruesome. Help, I'm at a cross-road here. Yank or leave?

I'm 29 and I still have my wisdom teeth. Why should I bother pulling them?
Well, obviously, you should have had these out years ago and now you are facing quite a dilemma. As you get older the healing process decreases and now after the teeth are removed you will have some defects back there [depressions in the bone]. If you decide to leave the teeth there I can promise you that you will have more trouble down the road and end up having some of them out when you are much older [due to cavities, cysts, you name it!]and it will be MUCH harder then than now. Leaving them in is not a good thing so bite the bullet, see an oral surgeon and get it done. Good luck!
Reply:Your dentist should advise you, I can only speak my experience. I was told to get them removed as they were growing in sideways and crowding my other teeth. I did'nt heed that warning, and they did indeed crowd my teeth, weakening them and making them easily broken. I know have a very horrible set of teeth ( the ones left) that all need to be yanked and I have to have false teeth, at least on top. So, I would ask your dentist his opinion and if he says, yank, baby, I'd yank. OR you will be 45 and toothless like me.
Reply:i think you've answered your own question, buddy. if its obviously bothering you that much, why wouldn't you want to alleviate it?yank it....
Reply:If your dental adviser says pull them, do it. You descirbe some real problems that clearly will not get better with age. If you jaw had enough room so they could all be there in normal order like nature intended, they need not be pulled. But you say they are impacted and subject to cavities. What do you do when they do and your choise is root canal to save the tooth or pull them then. If you have insurance , do it now and get it paid for.
Reply:If they don't bother you than its not nothing to worry about. but they can shift your teeth than it will have to be pulled. Than if you like to have a perfect smile it will lead to braces and that's 4200 dollars total plus cleanings, visits ext. But if they hurt and you like to have a good smile I will get them looked at by your local dentist to be on the safe side.
Reply:Get them taken out now. One of mine was impacted and it almost killed me. They will cause you nothing but grief later in life. I was 24 when mine were taken out. My husband is 31 and he is having his taken out next month.
Reply:Ever hear that expression about, in the old days, people died at 30? Wisdom teeth were what killed people. The impacted teeth would become infected, and the infection goes right next door to the brain. Listen to your dentist.
Reply:I would have them yanked. Mine fully came in with no problem, but they are so far back in there that it has always been hard to clean them properly. Now that I'm older, they are weak and breaking. I currently have 2 left to get pulled and one of them is hurting pretty bad that I can't even eat or close my mouth. My hubby still has his as they are growing sideways towards his other teeth. They dont' bother him, but we have noticed they are making the rest of his teeth crooked.

Get them yanked and save yourself from worse pain in the future!

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