So my dentist recommends I have 2 wisdom teeth taken out that are not impaced they are already up. But only one of them, the bottom one is causing some problems. Anyways he says that if you take the bottom one out you should also take the top out.
I think I only want to have the bottom one out at least for now. But my question is even though they are already in (not impacted) the person I scheduled my appointment said they can make me go to sleep. I'm wondering do they normally let ppl go to sleep if they arent impacted and you only take out one wisdom tooth. And also, do you think I should go to sleep cuz I have no clue what its like to be knocked out.
Also I know this sounds crazy but I always wanted to know what happens if when ur getting your teeth pulled and you needa pee cuz ur asleep and you cant go up to go to the bathroom. Does your body just allow you to keep holding it in even if you needa go or do you go in ur pants
Going to sleep for wisdom teeth?
I had my wisdom teeth pulled when I was in my early 20's. The first time I had it done ( I had mine pulled in two stages), I was given a shot of a fast acting drug called pentathol-and I woke up 30 minutes later and the surgery was done. Contrary to what these other writers have said, you will NOT bleed all over the place when you have these teeth pulled- I didn't, and I don't know of anyone who did. There may be some bleeding, though, and your mouth and tongue will be numb for a while after the surgery. That's why you will be discouraged from speaking or attempting to speak until the anesthetic wears off- so you don't bite your tongue and bruise or cut while it's numb. Once the anesthetic wears off, you will be quite sore for a few days or a week while the dry sockets where your teeth were heal up. These will normally not be sutured, because they must heal from the inside out. You will be told to rinse your mouth with warm salt water after eating, and to make sure to brush your teeth gently but thoroughly after each meal. If you had an infection under the pulled teeth, or an abscess, then you will be given antibiotics. Your dentist will tell you what pain medication you can take, and will prescribe something for you which will allow you to sleep at night.
As far as needing to pee goes, you need to use the bathroom before surgery if you are worrried about this. Sometimes, yes, some of the anesthetics used for this type of surgery can cause a loss of bladder control, so take a hint and go to the bathroom before you leave the house for your appointment. The shot which puts you out is the best way to have this surgery done- you will be much less likely to experience pain, and it will be A LOT LESS SCARY to go this route than it would be if you go the route of conscious sedation. The dentist or oral surgeon will be able to work more quickly as well, because he or she will not have to worry as much about you resisting or fighting because of pain or fear.
What's it like to be put out? Pentathol is a very fast acting drug- and basically, what you will feel is a sharp little sting like a mosquito bite, followed by a feeling of floating on a cloud.( Yes, pentathol does produce quite a "high".) This will be followed by vision loss and sleep- and when you wake up, it will be as if you had gone to sleep on your own, without drugs. The surgery will not start until you are completely asleep- which, with pentathol, normally only takes 3 to 5 minutes at most. This is how it went when I had the surgery, and it is probably how things will go for you. If you choose to go the route of conscious sedation, then you will still get a shot- but it won't be enough to put you to sleep. Instead you will be very drowsy and tired. You will be asked to obey simple commands, such as opening your mouth when told, and you need to be aware that the dentist will give you local anesthesia to block pain around the surgical area. You will also be able to see what the dentist or surgeon is doing, and this is typically what scares a lot of patients. There is always some bleeding associated with any type of surgery, and sometimes, with dental surgery, there is quite a bit. If you are squeamish about the sight of blood, this is not the route to go for surgery. I went this route when I had my second set of wisdom teeth pulled, and believe me, I wished that I had gone the other way and gotten put under when they did this. I was plenty scared during the procedure, even with the anesthetic and sedation. I'm not normally squeamish, but this was upsetting to me in a lot of ways.
I hope that this helps you out.
Reply:You get knocked out within give seconds that they give you the anesthesia. You will be completely knocked out until they wake you up. When I got put to sleep, it felt like I blinked , and they woke me up and were already done. Don't even worry. You should just do all the teeth. It's not that big of a deal; you won't feel it and no you will not pee your pants, just go before.
Reply:Good question!
I think they only put you to sleep if it's going to be I'd take up the offer! It isn't scary or anything- but it is a little weird. But you'd be fine! :)
If you go to the bathroom before the procedure, you'll be fine. They won't put you out for that long. I've been put out a few times for surgeries...I think your body just knows that it needs to wait. You still have controll of your muscles, you're just "asleep". So just like at night, when you wake up you can go if you need to.
Good luck! :)
Reply:I just got gas, and I heard a, not quite, clink sound. I asked what happened and he said he took one of my teeth, I just thought he dropped his tool in my mouth. It doesn't hurt, but I guess I didn't really answer your question, sorry. i need to stay awake and typing helps my brain not to sleep.
Reply:it's more interesting if they just give you laughing gas. well unless the sight of a lot of blood freaks you out.
I was awake, with laughing gas, for 3 impacted wisdom teeth. Not a bad experience overall. Well I mean obviously it sucked but it wasn't especially bad. My brother was asleep for his and according to talking to him it sucked just about as much as mine did.
the bad part, really, is the few days after.
also if you are that worried about having to pee then just make sure you go right before they put you under. lol
Reply:Been there had that.
Actually I had very weak enamel on my teeth, and the thought of the dentist pulling teeth while I was aware of it scared me witless, so I said "knock me out"
Had it few years earlier with 2, then when they had to do a "clearance" later.
Seriously, you feel a slight scratch on the hand, try to count to 20, I think I got to about 6, wake up later sure ya feel sick a bit, but NO major pain and seeing them struggle to pull em out.
In regard to last part, never woke up remotely damp . . . body works fine
Reply:Hi. I had my wisdom teeth, one completely out and one partially out on the same side, taken out. I had only local anesthesia (a shot in the mouth). If you are not scared of the dentist and mouth work, that is all that is needed. You will feel him tugging at the tooth and the release when it comes out, but no pain. Being put to sleep has significant risks and should only be done when necessary. The recovery from having the teeth out is painful, but not unmanagable. Your diet will be restricted for a few days as will be smoking. It will be sore for a while. You really do not want to do it 4 times, so taking two from the same side at a time is a good idea. As for what it's like to be put to sleep, you won't remember the final moments before it happens. Waking up is disorienting and feels real weird. I absolutely did not like that feeling and would not put myself in that situation unless necessary, not to mention the health risks. Also, it costs significantly more to be put to sleep than the local anesthesia. As for the bathroom, I am not sure, but they would be able to tell you that ahead of time. As your clothes will be on, you could wear a thick pad if you are concerned. Also, they have done this before and anything you do or don't do will be ignored in a professional manner. They know to expect these things and have seen it before. They know you are not in control. Hope this helps.
Reply:it's just like this "count backwards from 100"
"..." *sleep*
just let them knock you out, pee before you go and don't drink anything.
they're gonna bleed like crazy as well, btw.
Reply:When they put you to sleep, you are not asleep for that long. It is not like surgery done in a hospital. They do not put a tube down your throat or anything.
I was put to sleep when i had all four of my wisdom teeth cut out. They give an IV and sedate you with a Valium and a sedative. Your really only asleep for less than 30 minutes to an hour.
I would go ahead and get all what you need pulled cause why drag it out and get one pulled here and there when they need all pulled?
It is best to have them all done at once. I done fine when i had mine pulled. You will be groggy for a while and in pain but they will give you pain pills plus motrin helps. I would not worry if i were you. You will not pee on yourself.
Reply:I would choose to take the sleep: First of all u don't get as nevice when u see these big pliers in your mouth.(srry that sentence might of made u nervice.) Second of all it doesn't hurt as mouch it might start hurting like 4 hours after surgery but it won't be as bad as if you didn't get annestia. Here is what will happen:
1. They will probobly look in your mouth to see what you need.
2. Next most likely they will give you this mask that is connected by a tube and they will have you take some deep breathes. While doing this you might feel a little light headed I felt very heavy but some people feel very light.
they also might give you a shot but that normally doesn't happen when u got to sleep only if u stay awake
3. Don't worry about peeing I've been in 5 surgery's without going to the bathroom and never leeked if you are worries about it then you should go before you get there.
Next they will give you stiches these will probably be in your mouth for a week and sumtimes fall out before that. When you first wake up you will not know were you are for the first like 2 seconds but then you remember it's weird then you will just feel like you want to fall back asleep. ( you probobly will) You will have many like cotton swbs in your mouth from all your bleeding you need to change them every other hour or so
depending on bleeding! Good Luck you will do fine and it is your decision no one can make this decision for you but i suggest you do what the doctor suggests remember he has done this many times before if you have any more question you can email me i've been through many operations and i am just 12
Reply:thats what i am going to do when i get mine pulled. I would way rather be knocked out than sitting there listing to whats going on, feeling the blood running...*cringe* its easier the other way
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