Sunday, October 11, 2009

Pregnant, and in MAJOR pain from my wisdom teeth. I don't know what to do!?

i'm 6 months,%26amp; 28 weeks pregnant.2 of my wisdom teeths been killing me for the past 7 months and i don't know if i should wait till the baby is out or take them out now. doctors say it's fine, but dentists says it's not.I heard i can have gum disease if your wisdom teeth is impacted and it can affect the baby, but having surgery can also harm the baby, right? i will have to take medications which will affect my unborn baby. it's like bad both ways and i'm extremely frustrated and confused. My pain keeps me up at night and i sometimes cry because i have to suffer. I tried seeing a dentist and he didn't want to give me an x-ray. i heard anasthesia can go to my bloodstream and go to the fetus too. I also have no insurance and currently applying for free insurance and i don't even know if they'll cover my expenses for wisdom teeths since they're thousands of dollars, right?I'm afraid to have a premature baby from the bacteria. Basically, what should i do? what's the best thing to do?

Pregnant, and in MAJOR pain from my wisdom teeth. I don't know what to do!?
SAME thing happened to me when I was 4 months pregnant, they pulled the 2two teeth using a local, and everything was fine! I used Tylenol and iced juice cans wrapped in a washcloth for pain after.

It is better to go on and get them out than to suffer..pain causes your blood pressure to go up, and also causes stress, neither are good for you, or baby!Ask your doc for a referral to a dentist that can help you, or call around, chances are your dentist is stalling due to lack of funds rather than your pregnancy!
Reply:i have no idea but i hope this works out for you i will pray! goooooood luck
Reply:Go to your dentist ASAP. They can do fillings or extractions that are necessary even if you are pregnant. They just choose to postpone elective work until after the baby is born. However, if you are in pain and the teeth are infected that isn't good for the baby either.
Reply:Contact your OB and find out if they have experience with this and can refer you to a dentist that has experience with pregnant women.

As far as I know, the general anestisia could be bad for the baby, but the local shouldn't get into your blood stream and affect the baby.
Reply:Usually if you are going to do dental work now is the time to do it. But they will not give you an Xray, xray's can be dangerous to the baby. As to if insurance will cover it, Most pregancy medicaids will only cover expenses that could further complicate your pregnancy.
Reply:honey, call the dentist. he/she will know!

there will be something he/she can do for you, even when you're preggers.

you don't have to suffer.
Reply:Have them taken out....whats the big deal? In the UK dental care is free when you're pregnant and most mothers to be get their work done harm to baby..........just tell dentist and it will be okay
Reply:You will be ok. My first wisdom started comming in when i was preg with my oldest. when I had her it stoped comming in and stayed impacted for 6 years.

same happend with 2 misscarrages and my 2nd daughter.

I got 2 full wisdom teeth and 2 impacted ones (the fulls were both during my misscarrage and didnt bug me much).

Teeth change is normal when you are pregnate. some people will lose teeth, Some get wisdom teeth, and with some there teeth do not change at all.

You have 2 months left if your worried wate it out, I dont see any harm comming from it, The dentest is peobly telling you no because if it is impacted you will have to have them cut out, they will usualy put you under for that and you are in alot of pain after. You wont be able to eat much for at least a day, you will be looking at your pain meds like they are candy, and you will probly just want to sleep. its alot of stress and being preg you would have to do it with out being put under and no pain meds after.

They wont give an Xray because it can harm the baby, with out the xray they wont be able to see what the problem is, how deep your roots are (some roots have been knowen to go into you nasle cavity), They need to do a xray befor they do much of anything. You can see some cavities just by looking in a mouth but thats about all they can see with out an xray.

Id wate it out, chances are they are comming in and thats what is bothering you. Take some gauze and shove it back there for some reason it helps expecaly when you are sleeping.

as for insurance if you get MC+ some times they will pay for dental. Its one of those things they change alot. Half the time they do half the time they dont, But a dentest will have to have a note from your Dr saying it needs to be done if you are MC+

Good luck
Reply:You need to find a dentist who will work with you to solve this problem. Ask your OB for a referral. Since finances are an issue, ask about whatever programs are in your area (community health centers, dental schools, etc). It sounds like this is an emergency (as in it can't wait). Please know that it is possible to fix the problem causing your pain without severely endangering the welfare of your unborn baby.

No one likes taking x-rays on pregnant women, but if you are frank with your OB, I'm sure s/he can help you find someone to help you.

Oh, the "surgery" itself is extraction and even if it's a "surgical extraction," you will likely simply have local anesthesia (Novocaine). You will be plenty numb. Novocaine does NOT go into the blood stream. The reason we call it local anesthesia is because it stays "local," in the general area we put it. General anesthesia goes into your blood stream, which is why an IV is used.

family nanny

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